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Celtic Metal

[Aug 9,2005 1:54pm - litacore ""]
[Aug 9,2005 4:25pm - litacore ""]

Celtic metal is a sub-genre of black metal. Its focus is on Celtic mythology and instruments mixed with black metal. Celtic metal has developed a huge underground scene in Ireland, where pioneers like Cruachan, Geasa, Waylander and other such bands play. By far the most successful album is Cruachan's Tuatha Na Gael which sold out its label's supplies within a few months. It cannot be considered a great success, however, because it was a small label and only pressed a few thousand CDs.
[Aug 9,2005 4:27pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
It's all pretty lame, actually.

But Cruachan and Waylander are good examples, of bands that kind of suck.

Isn't Primordial from Ireland? Or are they Welsh? They are pretty good.
[Aug 9,2005 4:40pm - eddie ""]
bran barr

yeah celtic metal isn't that good.

just listen to celtic folk music, there are a lot of really good session bands that play local bars
[Aug 9,2005 4:53pm - BornSoVile ""]
Primordial is Irish.
[Aug 9,2005 4:53pm - dreadkill ""]
primordial is indeed from ireland

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