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Video: George Kollias Drum Clinic, Nile Song.

[Aug 9,2005 2:13pm - RustedAngel ""]

pretty ridiculously fast double kick going on there.

[Aug 9,2005 2:22pm - litacore ""]
the guy's a brilliant musician
[Aug 9,2005 2:34pm - timma nli  ""]
wow...i mean. wow. thats impressive to say the least.
[Aug 9,2005 6:22pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
We need one of those! But with better sounding drums/triggers. But still, holy fuck he's good.
[Aug 9,2005 7:30pm - Spaldino on a fucking mac... lame  ""]
this mac is so gay... i cant view it
[Aug 9,2005 7:34pm - mOe_RK_in jersey  ""]
wow....i mean......wow\
every now a dn then you see shit like that and you realize how terrible of a musician you really are
[Aug 9,2005 8:39pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I have been a NIGHTFALL fan since 1993.
[Aug 9,2005 8:49pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Well aren't you better than everybody.
[Aug 9,2005 11:49pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Yes, yes I am.
[Oct 2,2006 7:15pm - anonymous  ""]
http://www.metalmedia.tk you can get all of george kollias's videos, along with derek roddy, flo mounier, and about 30 others.

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