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how many ways can you...

[Aug 10,2005 4:53pm - nate ""]
say you need to shit?

I'll start this off with....

I've got a wee turtle head poking out of me bum...
I've got a nasty stink tail going on here...
Time to drop the kids at the pool...

you're turn... ready.... go!:tightiewhities:
[Aug 10,2005 4:53pm - nate ""]
I've gotta go pinch a loaf...
[Aug 10,2005 4:54pm - nate ""]
phew... someone's baking brownies...
[Aug 10,2005 4:56pm - dwellingsickness ""]
Drop a deuce
[Aug 10,2005 5:33pm - hunterhunter ""]
layin pipe
droppin anchor
choppin gut lumber
[Aug 10,2005 5:58pm - anonymous  ""]
layin pipe is having sex, not taking a shit
[Aug 10,2005 5:59pm - Hooker nli  ""]
laying cable is shitting. not pipe.
[Aug 10,2005 6:00pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
anonymous said:layin pipe is having sex, not taking a shit

it can be both, if you are doing it right!
[Aug 10,2005 6:11pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm shitting while typing thing...
er.. I mean, I'm doing sit down business.
[Aug 10,2005 6:18pm - succubus ""]
yeah you were doing "sit down business"
[Aug 10,2005 6:37pm - wade nli  ""]
i don't know about the actual shitting but when i got bubble guts going on, watch out.
[Aug 10,2005 6:42pm - succubus ""]
bubble guts?
[Aug 10,2005 6:45pm - john wayne‘s ghost  ""]
yeah, pre diarrhea gut groans and, uh, bubbling.
[Aug 10,2005 7:07pm - Lamp ""]
Pushing brown
Catching up on my reading
Disposing of last night's dinner
Creating new obsidian rock in the porcelain dome ocean
[Aug 10,2005 7:10pm - hoser ""]
chuckin' a gorilla finger
[Aug 10,2005 7:13pm - DreamingInExile ""]
I'll brb, I've gotta squat a grumpy
[Aug 10,2005 8:03pm - Notorious D.U.G.  ""]
DreamingInExile said:I'll brb, I've gotta squat a grumpy

where did you first hear that? One day a few years ago I just started saying "I gotta squat a mad grump." Never thought anyone would use those words together ever again. Interesting.

I have to see a man about a big brown horse.
Taking the browns to the super bowl.
Dropping the Cosby's off at the pool.
[Aug 10,2005 8:45pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
hoser said:chuckin' a gorilla finger

Notorious D.U.G. said:I have to see a man about a big brown horse.
Taking the browns to the super bowl.

haha those are great.

Squattin' mad grumps yo

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