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Ultimo Mondo Cannibal VS. Horro of the Zombies

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[Aug 11,2005 5:35pm - dwellingsickness ""]
Which was your favorite Impetigo album? oops sorry for the miss spelling I messed it up already haha
[Aug 11,2005 6:11pm - hunterhunter ""]
gotta go with UMC
[Aug 11,2005 6:26pm - succubus ""]
[Aug 11,2005 7:04pm - Patnomalous  ""]
I work for the street cleaner , Mutado and the cannibals??? How about the faceless ep. I fucking loved this band. I got to see them in Providence I think in 91 or 92. Stevo puked all over the stage, where i was sitting 2 songs before.
[Aug 11,2005 7:10pm - MikeGore  ""]
Ultimo, but Horror does have Breakfast At The Manchester Morgue
[Aug 11,2005 7:12pm - Dissector ""]
FUCK! Me and a "friend" of mine fight over this all the time. I think the actual songs in UMC are better but the cd itself is lacking something. The vibe just isn't there. Horror of the Zombies captures a perfect Impetigo sound for what they were going for.

So for actual songs I'd go with UMC. Considering my 3 favorite Impetigo songs are on this cd.

But as far as the best cd goes I'm gonna have to pick Horror of the Zombies. Just because whenever I listen to that I get a feeling I don't get with UMC.

In conlcusion... I have no fucking idea and I now hate you for making me think.
[Aug 11,2005 7:19pm - Dissector ""]
Now we just wait for Dwyer and we can pretty much close this thread because this is probably all that will respond.
[Aug 11,2005 7:38pm - ninkaszi  ""]

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