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ATTN: Revubus/Succurend/Succurevubusend/Revesuccubendus

[Aug 15,2005 2:29pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
When's the next weekend you guys would be available during the day to do that photo shoot? The only way I think we can do a weekday shoot would be to meet somewhere around Natick at 530 when our singer gets out of work(he's the one who works latest out of all of us). I'd want to have plenty of daylight left, and he wouldn't get to the place I had in mind until like 6:30(even though it's literally a 2 minute walk from his house)
[Aug 15,2005 2:31pm - ~Carina~  ""]
hmmm i had sent you an email but i wonder if it never sent...
since both aaron and i will be out this weekend...how about the weekend after that?
[Aug 15,2005 2:41pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
the 27th or 28th? i heard the stone and steel fest might be rescheduled for the 27th but that's not definite. In that case i think we should just go for the 28th. Early afternoon work for you?

As far as the e-mail thing, maybe I didn't...the last one I sent was asking about the price and all that jazz

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