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what is the difference between hardcore and metal???

[Aug 21,2005 7:19pm - anonymous  ""]
im 13 and just gettin into the hard music scene. what is gthe diffence between hardcore and metal no one can seem to explane it to me
[Aug 21,2005 7:21pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Hardcore has two Rs, a D, a C, and an H.

metal has an M, a T, and an L.

That's basically what sets them apart in the most blatant way.
[Aug 21,2005 7:25pm - RichHorror ""]
I thought this was going to be a joke. Way to ruin my life.
[Aug 21,2005 7:27pm - thedeparted ""]
hardcore is the band youll end up being in
metal is what your friends will call their bands
[Aug 21,2005 7:53pm - Chris_From_Shit_Fuck ""]
Hardcore has shitty breakdowns/shitty pits/shitty people/shitty trends

Metal is the direct opposite in my opinion. God damned hardcore dancing.
[Aug 21,2005 8:01pm - nate ""]
Hardcore has screaming and yelling... Metal has screaming and growling... The difference is all the yelling.
[Aug 21,2005 8:04pm - Whoremastery ""]
you will prolly just end up liking metalcore because you dont know the differece...and like all these bands you think are cool..and everyone else will give you crap for it.
[Aug 21,2005 8:10pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Hardcore sucks and Metal doesn't.

[Aug 21,2005 8:14pm - anonymous  ""]
wtf is hardcore dancing??
[Aug 21,2005 8:37pm - niccolai nli  ""]
Hardcore dancing is when someone eats out your ass and gives you a handjob at the same time.

... No wait, that's something else.
[Aug 21,2005 8:48pm - thedeparted ""]
[Aug 21,2005 8:58pm - nate ""]
Hardcore dancing: (v) ninja like reaction when breakdowns are afoot; spinning, tight jean ripping kick movements; kung fu spasms
[Aug 21,2005 9:22pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Get away while you still can and get into the country music scene.
[Aug 21,2005 10:02pm - eddie ""]
nate said:Hardcore dancing: (v) ninja like reaction when breakdowns are afoot; spinning, tight jean ripping kick movements; kung fu spasms

power rangers?
[Aug 21,2005 10:10pm - eddie ""]


easy as pie
[Aug 21,2005 10:23pm - nate ""]
eddie said:nate said:Hardcore dancing: (v) ninja like reaction when breakdowns are afoot; spinning, tight jean ripping kick movements; kung fu spasms

power rangers?

ladies and gentlemen, we have our winner!!:duffbeer:
[Aug 21,2005 10:28pm - ArrowHead nli  ""]
Hardcore is a variant of punk music. In the last ten years it's assimilated so much from metal it's become pretty much the same as the current "metalcore" trend. For real examples of what hardcore sounds like listen to some old Judge, Bruisers, Slapshot, DYS, madball, agnostic front, etc...

Metal is not a subgenre like hardcore-punk would be, so it encompasses a hell of a lot more. Everything from grungy blues based rock like zeppelin and sabbath to neoclassical shred to death, grind, etc.... Listen closely: can you hear the bassist? If you can't, you're most likely listening to metal.

[Aug 21,2005 10:39pm - badsneakers ""]
ArrowHead nli said:Listen closely: can you hear the bassist? If you can't, you're most likely listening to metal.


[Aug 21,2005 11:09pm - rupturedzine ""]
best thread I've seen in a while.
[Aug 21,2005 11:20pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
eddie said:testament=metal


easy as pie

use examples that don't suck, plz
[Aug 22,2005 12:42am - Cecchini ""]
One gets laid and the other sings about getting laid.

And if you want to know if your metal or hardcore, wait till you do get laid. Then after you finish if you become ridiculously attached you are metal, if you punch the bitch in the face and put on a wife beater and some sorta hat that isn't a baseball cap.... your hardcore.
[Aug 22,2005 12:45am - Chris_From_Shit_Fuck ""]
Cecchini said:One gets laid and the other sings about getting laid.

And if you want to know if your metal or hardcore, wait till you do get laid. Then after you finish if you become ridiculously attached you are metal, if you punch the bitch in the face and put on a wife beater and some sorta hat that isn't a baseball cap.... your hardcore.

hahaha bitch beating is SO hardcore :doublehorns:
[Aug 22,2005 12:49am - attendmyrequiem ""]
i can't wait for this to turn into metalcore is gay.
[Aug 22,2005 12:54am - Cecchini ""]
Ohhh yea and I forgot to mention. If your hanging out with your buddies and you find your looking at them in a sexual way, chances are your gay and that makes you metalcore. Other symptoms of being metalcore include hanging around the mall way to much, wearing a tie with every fag piece of clothing you have and enjoying bands like Life of Agony.
[Aug 22,2005 12:56am - attendmyrequiem ""]
Life of Agony is a metalcore band? Oh shit! That's fucking news to me.
[Aug 22,2005 12:58am - Cecchini ""]
No no, they aren't metalcore but because a metalcore fan has homosexual tendencies, they will be more likely to enjoy poop like Life of Agony because it is out of their "scene" and thus makes them "diverse".

Also, they will start wearing Led Zeppelin shirts... all the time... and not own one album.
[Aug 22,2005 8:18am - strangles kittens  ""]
this is possibly the funniest thing i have read on here,.. . . . great way to start the morning
[Aug 22,2005 10:21am - babyshaker ""]
nate said:Hardcore has screaming and yelling... Metal has screaming and growling... The difference is all the yelling.

kinda true lol
[Aug 22,2005 10:57am - anonymous  ""]
to simply put it metal owns, hardcore sucks
[Aug 22,2005 12:59pm - rupturedzine ""]
actually most american thrash metal bands cite a lot of influence from punk. but yeah basically.

my contribution: hardcore is what you play when you're not talented enough to play metal.
[Aug 22,2005 1:25pm - the_reverend ""]
I thought metal was what you played when you were a guitar play and you just wanted to play a ton of riffs with out listening to the rest of the band at all.
[Aug 22,2005 1:26pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
[Aug 22,2005 1:36pm - succubus ""]
the rev ruined hardcore
[Aug 22,2005 1:46pm - soloman ""]
metal has metal riffs. Hardcore doesnt. duuuuuhhhhhh~~~~~ :krusty:
[Aug 22,2005 2:21pm - Cecchini ""]
Metal has dragons

Hardcore has dragon tattoos.
[Aug 22,2005 2:24pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
Cecchini said:Metal has dragons

Hardcore has dragon tattoos.

that's the one right there :doublehorns:
[Aug 22,2005 3:29pm - largefreakatzero ""]
the_reverend said:I thought metal was what you played when you were a guitar play and you just wanted to play a ton of riffs with out listening to the rest of the band at all.

Fucking right.
[Aug 27,2005 12:24am - Turk ""]
Dont listen to these fuck heads dude, both hardcore and metal have their perks, metals a little heavier and a little darker. Hardcore is a little simpler and direct, more of a punk style, but equally bad ass.
The Black Dahlia Murder/Lamb of god-Metal. Terror/Madball-Hardcore. Youll figure it out man.
[Aug 27,2005 7:29am - Tsectpathogen  ""]
Turk said:Dont listen to these fuck heads dude, both hardcore and metal have their perks, metals a little heavier and a little darker. Hardcore is a little simpler and direct, more of a punk style, but equally bad ass.
The Black Dahlia Murder/Lamb of god-Metal. Terror/Madball-Hardcore. Youll figure it out man.

Lame examples for metal.

Anywho, i just suggest staying away from the whole hxcxomgxwtf scene and dont become a mallgoth, then your pretty much set.

As for stuff to listen to, theres just to many damned choices to list. Black, Death, Thrash, Prog, Power, Doom, Industrial. I suggest just trying out as many bands as you can, and if a kid in camo shorts, camo hat, and a hatebreed shirt comes up to you and tries to tel you to listen to a certain band...dont listen to him...he probably takes it in the ass.
[Aug 29,2005 6:55am - Distrust-Kevin ""]
Hardcore AND Metal both originated from one thing. GANGS.
[Aug 29,2005 10:06am - poopsmcgee ""]
anonymous said:im 13 and just gettin into the hard music scene. what is gthe diffence between hardcore and metal no one can seem to explane it to me

gthe? diffence? explane?
you need to spell check your shit before posting.

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