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ATTN: Males or considerate girlfriends (free alert)

[Aug 22,2005 4:29pm - succubus ""]

I just signed up to get one for aaron

It's a free Nivea skincare travel kit.

it involves shaving cream, after shave lotion, etc.

it's good for senstive skin
[Aug 22,2005 4:39pm - RustedAngel ""]
i just use soap to shave my face whenever i get stuble...and intimate area's. heh, no problems ever.
[Aug 22,2005 4:39pm - the_reverend ""]
ugh, if I just used soap... I would slit my self into oblivion.
[Aug 22,2005 4:43pm - soloman ""]
yeah i wouldn't have any skin if i only used soap.
[Aug 22,2005 4:44pm - Hooker nli  ""]

Yeah I don't really have a use for that. But good lookin' out, brah.
[Aug 22,2005 4:47pm - Sinistas ""]
Thanks for the tip! I usually use Gillette stuff on my face, and I'm using the Headblade stuff for dome shavage. Fun times.
[Aug 22,2005 5:38pm - Bradness ""]
after years of experimenting i finally have a system down. I only shave every 10 days or so, so it took a while.
I use Gillette shaving Gel, Disposable Mach3 knock offs, and after shaving i rinse with cold water. No speed bumps, no itchies, nice and shmoove
[Aug 22,2005 6:49pm - succubus ""]
did anyone else order the free kit?
[Oct 12,2005 9:53am - succubus ""]
IT came in the mail last night btw!
anyone else get it?

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