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Anyone Else listening to Stern now? Pam anderson is on

[Aug 23,2005 8:26am - succubus ""]
ok they were talking about:
Larry King (eww)
Courtney Love (haha)
and Tommy Lee (hmm)

I got to work, parked my car and listened...but I had to get inside so I eventually turned it off...someone who is listening please fill me in!
[Aug 23,2005 8:33am - succubus ""]
yeah so to summarize...
Larry King is a moron...asking her if her b00bs were real and he kept asking her until she said they were implants. And how he thought she was flirting with him

Courtney Love..well i guess her manager lives across the street from Pam so Pam saw her a few times, she said they are not close buddies and she feels sorta bad for her. She also said Courtney was acting "normal" before they started filming the roast. I guess Ms Courtney "i've been sober for a year" is back in rehab.

When howard asked if she was pissed that Courtney took the attention away from her she said no and that she was happy and then made a comment about her large vagina.

Then Tommy, she said she didn't remember the last time they did it...said it was long ago and she couldn't remember if it was after her and Kid Rock broke up. Tommy's agent called Pam and asked if he could play his new single and being the nice person she is, she said ok. She said she hasn't seen his reality show and that she doesn't like reality shows and that they are staged, but since he had a new single and show coming out, she agreed. She said they are friends and she considers him family because of the kids and that they are NOT back together. Howard asked her why she was singing along to the lyrics if she wasn't close with him and she said their son Dylan loves the song and they play it at home all the time.

Anyhow, she talked about Coutrney and Tommy with class and manage to not really bad mouth either.

If anyone is listening post the rest.

[Aug 23,2005 8:36am - Messerschmitt ""]
i hate when she's on. but i'm listening.
[Aug 23,2005 9:15am - succubus ""]
What did i miss?
[Aug 23,2005 9:28am - Messerschmitt ""]
the annoying voice in the background is all you missed. i didn't pay attention. now he's got pappa boner... i mean roach on. stern sucks lately. he's watered down.
[Aug 23,2005 9:34am - succubus ""]
[Aug 23,2005 9:54am - todayistheday  ""]
i want to know what fred is. Is he human or alien! that song was cracking me up
[Aug 23,2005 9:58am - Messerschmitt ""]
fred's awesome. he gets fired up for nothing.
[Aug 23,2005 11:58am - swamplorddvm ""]
succubus said:please fill me in!

Right now?:spineyes::shocker:
[Aug 23,2005 12:00pm - RustedAngel ""]

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