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[Aug 23,2005 11:57pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
can CWAF or Kevorkian's Angel play Oct 13th @the Compound

with Throwing Shrapnel
Defcon 4
It Will End In Pure Horror
[Aug 24,2005 12:08am - BestialOnslaught ""]
That looks like a SWEET show! Saw DEFCON 4 practice a week or so ago... As Borat would say "Is tight, like a man's a-nus."
[Aug 24,2005 12:11am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
BestialOnslaught said:That looks like a SWEET show! Saw DEFCON 4 practice a week or so ago... As Borat would say "Is tight, like a man's a-nus."

yeah trying to get the line up set, so i can have our peoples start promoting the fuck outta the show. we were excited when we thought Adolf was on it too. was hoping to turn it into like a monthly grind/punk show out there, but the line up is still gonna be great.
[Aug 24,2005 1:26pm - defnasty ""]
Defcon 4 is on for Thursday Oct. 13th. Sweet. Someone e-mail me the info ammoniarecords@comcast.net so I can put the site up, Also we really want Adolf Satan on too.
[Aug 24,2005 2:46pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
bump for Josh and Brad to see this so they can both get their shit together and say they'll play it !
[Aug 24,2005 5:04pm - Mary ""]
[Aug 24,2005 5:05pm - Bradness ""]
i'll get back to you soon
[Aug 24,2005 5:07pm - KeithMutiny ""]
[Aug 25,2005 4:08pm - KeithMutiny ""]


[Aug 25,2005 5:16pm - Bradness ""]
Kevorkian's Angels is 99% sure, just have to talk to Chillis
[Aug 25,2005 5:34pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Bradness said:Kevorkian's Angels is 99% sure, just have to talk to Chillis

do it !
[Aug 26,2005 3:11am - Bradness ""]
done and done
[Aug 26,2005 3:13am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Bradness said:done and done

excellent one down, Enemies For Life is the last band were waiting on now !

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