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Dirty secrets?

[Aug 27,2005 11:47pm - succubus ""]

[Aug 27,2005 11:54pm - succubus ""]
so what's yours???

some of these are so sad....

this one made me laugh
[Aug 28,2005 9:12am - succubus ""]
[Aug 28,2005 10:36am - the_reverend ""]
yeah, I read through a bunch of these a while ago.
I went back after hearing about it on NPR and being reminded.
I thought of this last week cause of the one:
"nobody turns me on like my first boyfriend and I'm 46"
or something like that. something I heard reminded me of it.
[Aug 28,2005 10:40am - succubus ""]
yeah, there are sad, pathetic...all kinds but the top one i linked is funny
[Aug 28,2005 9:25pm - succubus ""]
no one but us 2 were amused/frightened by this?
[Aug 29,2005 2:18pm - succubus ""]
guess so
[Aug 29,2005 2:20pm - Hooker nli  ""]
one time my finger went through the paper. and i stayed that way for the next seven hours.
[Aug 29,2005 6:35pm - succubus ""]

sometimes i think my fianc isn't the one

i cheated on my SAT and got a scholarship

i only love 2 of my 3 children

i know it really stinks but i love the smell of my own poop
[Aug 30,2005 9:45am - succubus ""]
[Aug 30,2005 9:47am - BornSoVile ""]
How bout the one, my brother had a heart attack at the age of 20....from masturbation. that sucks!!
[Sep 5,2005 9:30pm - succubus ""]
some more:
when i eat...i feel like a failure
i am a peaceful person who happens to be filled with violent rage
i wish i was the other twin
i hate feeling alone
i hate people who remind me of myself
i'm afraid no one will ever love me like my dog
sometimes i fake empathy to get people to like me
i'm afraid of naked women
3 yrs ago i tried killing myself and everyone thinks i'm better now but i still want to die
people think i stopped lying but i just got better at it
[Sep 6,2005 12:33am - morbid jesus  ""]
succubus said:some more:
when i eat...i feel like a failure
i am a peaceful person who happens to be filled with violent rage
i wish i was the other twin
i hate feeling alone
i hate people who remind me of myself
i'm afraid no one will ever love me like my dog
sometimes i fake empathy to get people to like me
i'm afraid of naked women
3 yrs ago i tried killing myself and everyone thinks i'm better now but i still want to die
people think i stopped lying but i just got better at it

hmm dianosis----homosexual
[Sep 6,2005 8:51am - succubus ""]
[Sep 6,2005 8:54am - Todd NLI  ""]
succubus said:
i know it really stinks but i love the smell of my own poop

Sounds like something Hoser would say:spineyes:
[Sep 6,2005 9:07am - succubus ""]
oh and dianosis? i think you mean diagnosis...and all those things were from random people ..so diagnosis..yer a moron!
[Sep 6,2005 9:19am - the_reverend ""]
maybe they meant dionysus?
anyone for a red white enema?
[Sep 6,2005 2:51pm - dirteecrayon nli  ""]
succubus said:
i know it really stinks but i love the smell of my own poop

hahaha tom [porphyria] comes to mind!


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