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Movie: Stir of Echoes

[Aug 28,2005 1:39pm - succubus ""]
i like this movie for a lot of reasons

but when it was out..it didn't get any credit...eeryone was talking about the "Secret" in bruce willis movie instead

whenever this movie is on..i HAVE to watch it
[Aug 28,2005 1:40pm - succubus ""]
one reason i like is is "paint it black" is in it
the kid is humming it now
[Aug 28,2005 3:02pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Great flick.

Raping a retard and hiding her body, how could it not be good?!
[Aug 28,2005 3:41pm - shatteredliz in Brooklyn  ""]
Yeah, I really like this movie, too. But everyone was talking about the Sixth Sense instead, I couldn't understand why.
[Aug 28,2005 4:10pm - xmikex ""]
decent movie. good premise. i didn't like how it turned into a murder mystery at the end though. there were alot of really good surreal scenes that i liked a lot. and the lady that played the psychic sister annoyed the hell out of me. she's always in everything, and she's never particularly good at anything.

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