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how did you day start off today? I want to stab someone in the eye right now...

[Sep 8,2005 8:31am - succubus ""]
first of all 4:45am some tard beeps his horn...it's called common courtesy asswipe, certain things you don't do at thsoe hours, when most people are sleeping...
it started with "HONK!" to
"HONK! HONK!" to
to longer and more frequent honks to honking songs...i wanted to kill him and it was now 5:00am
15 fuckin minutes later...and i was ready to stab him in the throat with a pen
it continued and then i heard screaming "HEYYYY"

i kept on trying to fall back asleep and aaron didn't seem to remember it when i asked him about it before i left for work...damn heavy sleepers...
wen i got outside i talked to neighbor who got up and said he sorta saw a car in the parking lot with the headlights on (still dark out) neighbor was pissed too and needed another hour of sleep..

i would have called the cops for disturbing the peace but i just wanted to sleep a little more...and what if i called and the car left...

[Sep 8,2005 8:34am - Christraper ""]
Buy one of those pump action pellet rifles that you can pump a million times. with a scope and about 20 or so pumps you could take out one of his tires from a window without him hearing you.
[Sep 8,2005 8:36am - Messerschmitt ""]
listen to him^
[Sep 8,2005 8:38am - the_reverend ""]
working from home, watching quantum leap.
[Sep 8,2005 8:40am - Messerschmitt ""]
i got up at 4am because i have insomnia. seriously. and i too want to stab someone in the eye.
[Sep 8,2005 8:41am - succubus ""]
how expensive are they and where can i get one?

and aaron your day started like mine except that you are a heavy sleeper..damn you
[Sep 8,2005 8:43am - Messerschmitt ""]
they're 40 bucks from walart
[Sep 8,2005 8:49am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
my day is starting while i contemplate why i couldn't sleep last night over a nice meal of french toast, bacon, and eggsthat i cooked up for myself when i realized that sleeping would result in me waking up at 5 in the afternoon when i'm supposed to be looking for a job

delirium is sweet
[Sep 8,2005 8:49am - thedeparted nli  ""]
there is nothing like waking up to channel 10 telling you 195 west is a parking lot.

[Sep 8,2005 9:02am - Christraper ""]
succubus said:how expensive are they and where can i get one?

I believe schmitt was right when he said Walmart. Not sure about the price because I got mine in Texas but you might want to sack up and buy a nice one if your planning on taking out someones tire with it.

[Sep 8,2005 9:24am - BornSoVile ""]
another rousing shit shower n shave. off to get french toast now then i'm going to hit on college girls.
[Sep 8,2005 10:58am - babyshaker ""]
woken up at 7 to the sound of myy sister screaming at her kid....then got on the bus went to the train station took the train into boston and now im sitting here looking up the number of processeors in each server casue some guy is a prick
[Sep 8,2005 11:52am - davefromthegrave ""]
I would taken a baseball bat to that motherfucker if I'd been you. no fucking warning, no fucking discussion. walk out of the house in my underwear and smash the shit out of the motherfucking car until they either drive away or do something stupid that forces me to go back inside and get one of my guns. but that's just me, and sleep is important to me.

today I woke up at 6 after finishing a paper and going to bed at 2, so I could hand it in for my 8 am class. It's nice out today, so I could take the bike to school, which is always a plus. I just got home and it's homework time.
[Sep 8,2005 11:55am - nate ""]
came in to work, did some laminating and mounting, but the machine to do so wasn't properly grounded so I got a couple zaps... fuck coffee a good current running through the veins is a much better jump start... yeah right! My fingers are still numb from it!

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