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pair of Apocalyptica tickets up for grabs

[Sep 12,2005 12:12am - VoidExpression ""]
Hey guys, I have a pair of tickets to go see Apocalyptica and Eyes of Fire (Mindrot) Thursday that I couldn't give away on the air. First person to email their name to voidexpression@gmail.com can snag them.
[Sep 12,2005 9:56am - litacore ""]
I won!

looking forward to it
I wonder if they'll cover 'South of Heaven' like on that EP
[Sep 12,2005 9:57am - succubus ""]
[Sep 12,2005 10:06am - brian_dc ""]
aww...congrats...not gonna pretend that I am happy with myself for not seeing this post early enough to beat you to it though.

lucky you!
[Sep 15,2005 12:25pm - litacore ""]
alright I can't get anyone to go with me. I have a swampy butt.

if anyone sees me in line outside the venue just give me a yell and I'll get you in as my +1

[Sep 15,2005 12:31pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
ill go, where is this at?
[Sep 15,2005 12:33pm - litacore ""]
Paradise rock Club, Comm. Ave boston
[Sep 15,2005 12:41pm - litacore ""]
doors at 8, BTW

I'm gonna shoot for 830
[Sep 15,2005 12:46pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
oh muddafuck i have a class i cant
[Sep 15,2005 1:04pm - RustedAngel ""]
yay for doing apocalyptica merch, Kailyn and I will be there.
[Sep 15,2005 1:09pm - succubus ""]
i'm going to sigur ros at the opera house...but have fun!
[Sep 15,2005 1:13pm - RustedAngel ""]
doh, I haven't seen my big sis in forever!
[Sep 16,2005 12:13am - litacore ""]
they played a great set

the drummer had a minimalist set and WAS STILL better than Lars

they played about half Metallica songs. Good time. I hope this tour goes well (their first time over here?)
[Sep 16,2005 12:30am - RustedAngel ""]
litacore said:they played a great set

the drummer had a minimalist set and WAS STILL better than Lars

they played about half Metallica songs. Good time. I hope this tour goes well (their first time over here?)

This was their 2nd time in the U.S., I guess they only sold 240 +/- tix which I guess isn't that good according to my boss. It was pretty cool, much more interesting seeing them live than listening to the recordings. People should check them out next time or on another date.

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