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Old man's child releases new mp3

[Sep 14,2005 10:15am - the_reverend ""]

I haven't listened to it yet.
[Sep 14,2005 10:47am - babyshaker ""]
[Sep 14,2005 10:47am - babyshaker ""]
i hope theres no fun in this record
[Sep 14,2005 11:02am - davefromthegrave ""]
I like it.

I didn't like their last album because it was overproduced. this is good.
[Sep 14,2005 11:51am - brian_dc ""]
minor chords rule

nah, I dig it
[Sep 14,2005 12:30pm - thedeparted ""]
davefromthegrave said:I like it.

I didn't like their last album because it was overproduced. this is good.

[Sep 14,2005 1:02pm - Craig nli  ""]
damn i cant wait for this. i believe the new Cryptopsy comes out the same day. fuck, im going to be extra poor that week.
[Sep 14,2005 2:44pm - brian_dc ""]
craig, new cryptopsy is suspect, might wanna check out the new mp3 of their's first

[Sep 14,2005 3:08pm - grindwhore666 ""]
yeah sounds good, for sure has that old man's child sound to it. would have been able to tell it was them even if it wasn't labelled so, but i like it
[Sep 14,2005 3:52pm - DreamingInExile ""]
yeah, I listened to it a few minutes ago, I can't wait for this CD to come out...

and I agree with brian_dc, the new cryptopsy is kinda suspect, I'm not liking nu-cryptopsy thing they're doing

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