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Video: Zombie Porn....

[Sep 14,2005 3:01pm - LtdEc-1000 ""]

[Sep 14,2005 3:11pm - grindwhore666 ""]
i'm not going to click that cause of the cpu i am on, but while i was on tour we watched a movie called the necro files 2 in denmark, which was about a serial killer rapists who was killed and his brother resurrects him by pissing on his grave and they go around raping and killing woman. quite bizzarre, the zombie had like a 2 foot cock that when ever a woman was near would go erect and guide him like one of thos water "Y" sticks haha
[Sep 14,2005 3:28pm - LtdEc-1000 ""]
Well, in this particular one, its the girl thats the zombie, and she squirts gallons of blood.....
[Sep 14,2005 4:06pm - mOe_RK ""]
this must be from Burning Angel...i love that website

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