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XBox opinion

[Sep 21,2005 9:41am - succubus ""]
people are work are debating ps2 vs xbox..looks like they like the xbox better...anyone?
[Sep 21,2005 9:48am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
[Sep 21,2005 9:52am - LtdEc-1000 ""]
[Sep 21,2005 9:53am - the_reverend ""]
ps2 for me.
the xbox has a huge hardware advantage (since as it's a desktop PC in a box), but the ps2 was made specifically as a gaming platform. plus, there isn't any games that would "make" me buy an xbox.
the PS2 on the other hand, the reason I bought it was cause of MGS. MGS3 is coming out on the PS2, but MGS4 is on the PS3 and looking awesome.
[Sep 21,2005 9:53am - brian_dc ""]
xbox is better in many ways...but if you're getting ps2 for the exclusive games, there's really no reason arguing for xbox
[Sep 21,2005 10:01am - succubus ""]
ok well gamecube apparently has awesome games...but i'm told to get a used one because the news ones don't have plugs/outlets for high def and we have high def tv...i'm told xbox has a lot more games than ps2...i dunno....what abotu psp?
ps: after work i'm going to go buy *that game* i made a thread about
[Sep 21,2005 10:05am - brian_dc ""]
gamecube does have awesome games, but they're probaby gonna stop making new ones for it soon

that's why I've given up on technology
[Sep 21,2005 10:05am - the_reverend ""]
gamecube: zeldas
ps2: MSG
[Sep 21,2005 10:06am - succubus ""]
masidon square garden..i shot 1 sold out show there a few years ago
[Sep 21,2005 10:10am - LtdEc-1000 ""]
Xbox: Halo, Halo 2, Forza motorsport, And xbox has mgs: substance, which was sweet.
[Sep 21,2005 10:11am - SuperFly ""]
[Sep 21,2005 10:11am - LtdEc-1000 ""]
and besides, noone wants chinese food in their ps2...
[Sep 21,2005 10:21am - the_reverend ""]
I meant MGS and if you are serious about halo 2, you play it on a PC.
[Sep 21,2005 10:23am - LtdEc-1000 ""]
Ive never even seen it on a pc before, but your probably right. Most Fps games are wayy better on pc.
[Sep 21,2005 10:25am - the_reverend ""]
the xbox had one game that I thought about getting it for, jedi knight.
but then I didnt.
[Sep 21,2005 11:26am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
This really baffles me that people still argue over this hehe. Anyone with a normal sized paycheck could go out these days and pick up all three major systems in one week. Maybe not right at launch when they were all $300, but these systems came out years ago. All of them have strong points!

XBOX = Graphics and multiplayer over Live. Killer games...MechAssault, KOTOR, Phantom Dust, Halo, etc, etc.

PS2 = excellent franchises like Metal Gear Solid, Ratchet & Clank, Final Fantasy, and tons of great RPGs. Again, killer games...God of War, Katamari Damacy, etc.

NINTENDO = Fun fucking games, for both kids and adults. Popular iconic franchises, and yes, killer games...Metroid Prime, Pikmin 2, Paper Mario, etc.

People can debate the specs all they want but all three systems have huge fanbases and I am a proud owner of all of them. All three have a mix of popular sequels/franchises and some avant-garde titles.
[Sep 21,2005 11:34am - succubus ""]
i still do not know what mgs is
[Sep 21,2005 11:40am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
MGS = Metal Gear Solid, a series of stealth/espionage games that began on the Nintendo and then spawned popular sequels on the PS1, PS2, remakes on the XBOX and GameCube, and now an awesome looking MSG4 is coming out for PS3.

I know, total, total fucking geek. I'm guilty.
[Sep 21,2005 11:51am - succubus ""]
thanks for answering my question =)
[Sep 21,2005 11:56am - the_reverend ""]
DHTH's description is right. but I don't really have much time for the PS2 as it is.
so 3 systems would be way over kill for me.
[Sep 21,2005 11:56am - succubus ""]
ok message received...i was fishing for present ideas...
[Sep 21,2005 5:37pm - the_rooster ""]
xbox is better. it's faster, higher res. graphics, and everyone i know that owns a ps2, has had to have it repaired at one point or another.

i've played both, and i enjoy xbox more.

[Sep 21,2005 5:39pm - the_reverend ""]
carina, I know exactly what you were doing. the last thing I need is another system.
[Sep 21,2005 5:43pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
I still stand by Gamecube for being cheap as hell (got mine new for $50) and having great games such as Metroid, Zelda, The Zelda Collector's pack, Warioware, Resident Evil 4, Mario Kart, and Mario Golf.

Although the PC truly owns my soul.
[Sep 21,2005 6:55pm - DreamingInExile ""]
I'm a PC fan, but I can't wait for the Nintendo Revolution to come out. I own a PS2, but I hardly play console games, it's more of an occasion hour or two here and there way to spend time with the fiancee
[Sep 21,2005 7:58pm - anonymous  ""]
wait a few months for ps3 2006
[Sep 21,2005 8:54pm - anonyman  ""]
DreamingInExile said:I'm a PC fan, but I can't wait for the Nintendo Revolution to come out. I own a PS2, but I hardly play console games, it's more of an occasion hour or two here and there way to spend time with the fiancee

your also a douchebag!
[Sep 22,2005 10:29am - Slayer272 ""]
XBOX you can't even play dvds on without extra shit.
I've always been a ps fan
[Sep 22,2005 11:33am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Or, buy all of them, and enjoy the variety of titles and franchises which are system exclusive
[Sep 22,2005 11:34am - babyshaker ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:Or, buy all of them, and enjoy the variety of titles and franchises which are system exclusive


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