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From one woman to another (though right now I think you are acting more like a little girl)…how could you?

[Sep 22,2005 9:42am - succubus ""]
From one woman to another (though right now I think you are acting more like a little girl)…how could you?

I am still in awe over the recent incidents that involve you. Jim was always a nice guy and when he told me that he found you and was so happy, I was so happy for him. I thought it was wonderful. I didn't know you but Jim spoke highly of you and that's all that mattered.

How could you enter the metal community and betray everyone including the man you love? Are you trying to ostracize Jim? You want him all to yourself and not even be in a band? Do you really believe you love Jim if you can do all this? I wasn’t at the Mortician show but Aaron told me that Jim arrived right before they played and left right after and he didn't even talk to anyone. I can only imagine how uncomfortable he felt. Are you proud? Does that make you wet?

You went after someone who organized a show way before the hurricane even hit. The organizer put your boyfriend's band on the bill and that's how you thank him? What did Nate ever do to you? Besides agree to let you do you benefit at his show and let you go around and collect money from people. You had an agreement with him and you knew the terms, but because it wasn't all in writing, now you want to go after him? You are the type of person who falls down and screams in pain, yelling for help and then turn around and sue the person who helped you up.

First you ban your boyfriend's band because someone had an offensive t-shirt on. Offensive, yes, but these are the same people who were at show and helped support it. Ever heard of sarcasm? The shirt was a little extreme, yes, but so was the person wearing it, you know him, a good friend of your boyfriend's. There is also tshirthell.com if you want to be offended by more t-shirts.

Why did you take down your website? What are you trying to hide? I see that your myspace accounts are combined and grossly cheesy. How old are you? I don't know Jim that well but it looks like you are trying to change him and take away his identity. I don't get how you could turn around and go after and sue your boyfriend's friends. They did not wrong you and in fact tried to help. What exactly are you trying to prove?

Why don't you just love and accept him and not care about his friends. He's with you most of the time, so why are you doing all this? I cannot even fathom doing something like that to Aaron. I can only imagine if you were with him, everywhere you go, people coming up to you to speak to the "All mighty reverend". Would you make him quit his radio show? Tell him to stop going to shows? Tell him to rename returntothepit to returntochickie? I SUPPORT him and am PROUD of everything he does and he is the first to admit that. I don't get you and I probably never will.

Are you that threatened by Jim having friends that you put him in the middle? Is it all just a game to see what you can get away with? You have issues.
There is a show going on and then you get involved and try to fuck everything up. Do you not like Jim's metal friends THAT much? I mean, first you go around asking for references when the band is looking to hire 2 new members, and speaking of that, who the fuck do you think you are? Yoko Ono? That's his band, your boyfriend's band, not yours. I bit my tongue while that happened but after all this I have to speak up. Way to be a stereotypical manipulative woman. I hope Jim wakes up and sees the real you.

Grow up, get off your high horse, be a REAL woman and drop the charade.

PS to JIM: I'm sorry but I couldn't hold my feelings in. Blame my PMS.
[Sep 22,2005 10:26am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
She must have been 'molestered' as a child.
[Sep 22,2005 11:26am - ArrowHead ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:She must have been 'molestered' as a child.

That's not funny.
[Sep 22,2005 11:45am - davefromthegrave ""]
this is why I hate women. All the good ones like Carina are taken, leaving me with nothing but manipulative cunts.

I don't know this girl at all, but but I'm gonna go ahead and stereotype her as being like all my exgirlfriends, because whenever I do that, I'm correct, and anyway Carina just said all I need to hear.
[Sep 22,2005 11:46am - the_reverend ""]
I'm just shocked that carina admitted that she's got PMS.
[Sep 22,2005 11:47am - davefromthegrave ""]
consider yourself lucky, Aaron. An honest woman is really, really hard to find.
[Sep 22,2005 11:58am - CHICKIE  ""]
[Sep 22,2005 12:05pm - ArrowHead ""]
Carina, I'm pretty sure this has nothing to do with her relationship with Jim, so I really don't think we need to attack her on that level.

This is about her doing her job (poorly) the way she feels is appropriate. If Rev came to visit you at work, and whipped out his penis in front of your co-workers, I'm sure you'd want to distance yourself professionally from him too. Imagine the headlines if a Red Cross worker was involved in a benefit where these shirts were sold, and she DIDN'T denounce it!

Fact is, Chickie doesn't understand business, and has created a media stink about $100 in donation money, which she was NOT entitled to, nor did she establish proper contract work to MAKE HER entitled to. Fact is, she's encroached herself and her personal agenda upon Nate for the slighting she has percieved him giving her.

Whether or not she's a good girlfriend doesn't really factor into it. Jim is a good guy, and a regular poster. I'm sure if he's happy in his relationship, he doesn't want people dragging it through the mud on a messageboard.
[Sep 22,2005 12:07pm - the_reverend ""]
EDITORIAL: for whatever reason, chickie's got a bee in her bonet about this one. I've had to deal with stuff like this before, self-righteous people that have a crusade to wage.
it my case, it was a guy claiming sexual harassment and a "sexually charged environment" at the radio station. that case seems to be the same. they can't fight or do what they what for their good cause so they attack whatever chink in the armor they can. their stories change. and they lie to get people to back their side. this tricks people and causes friends and relations between people to sour and form in to "sides".

the story against the radio station was as amazingly false as this... but the trial in both places is a war of bad public image where you are found guilty not "beyond a reasonable doubt", but "could this have happened?" and is typically done by characters to burn bridges on the way out. the machinery of this war is already rolling and once stuff like this is started, you can't stop it... even if chickie walked away.

I didn't like jim's wife when I heard about her. I was happy that he found a girl he was happy with and would go to shows with him, would actually support his band, etc... but philanthropy is not suppose to be like this... but then again, no one would expect the spanish inquisition!
[Sep 22,2005 12:17pm - succubus ""]
with all due respect arrowhead, I disagree and stand by what I said...she's done things that .. well i already said what i had to say.

[Sep 22,2005 12:18pm - ArrowHead ""]
the_reverend said: the machinery of this war is already rolling and once stuff like this is started, you can't stop it...

You don't stop a war, you win it. After surviving a couple harrasment complaints myself, I totally agree with you REV. However, as far as winning wars, it's easier for the Red Cross to drop Chickie, scapegoat her, and issue an apology, than it is for them to go to court, make an investigation, and shoulder heaps of bad press (especially after all the negative attention they got 4 years ago during 9/11).

You must understand, I've been through the same kind of crap you just described, Aaron, and gotten fucked for it. For once, I'm in the position to not only stick up for the little guy, but to actually help him WIN. I intend to do so, even if Chickie, a girl I've never even met, gets fucked in the process.

A bunch of letters from young musicians and girlfriends is cute. I myself have so far sought the assistance of an attourney with good standing in MA, a corportate RVP, the VP of a national fortune 500, and a city councel member. She's got the Red Cross backing her, we need to bring out our own guns! (no powerkok! not THOSE guns!)

[Sep 22,2005 12:21pm - ArrowHead ""]
succubus said:with all due respect arrowhead, I disagree and stand by what I said...she's done things that .. well i already said what i had to say.

Again, you can disagree. You've got personal dealings with these people - I don't. However, from the information I can discern from this board and the newspapers, her relationship with Jim is NOT a factor in any of these actions.

Take it from someone who considers a girlfriend to be a vagina that cooks and cleans: Just because we love someone doesn't mean we agree with them all the time. Forcing Jim into a position where he has to choose between supporting his girl or support his friends is a harsh thing to do. It's a line that doesn't even need to be drawn in the sand, since this situation is about her WORK, and not in any way about who she fucks.
[Sep 22,2005 6:03pm - succubus ""]
davefromthegrave said:consider yourself lucky, Aaron. An honest woman is really, really hard to find.

that's why he's making dinner tonight ;)

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