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FREE BLockbuster movies

[Sep 23,2005 4:06pm - succubus ""]
ok if you want to sign up for a free month (4 weeks) at blockbuster...jsut go to
fill out the form and then in "promotion code" enter the word:
and when you click next you will see 3 movies at a time free 4 week trial plus 2 free in store rentals a month.

i did the netflix for free and now signed up for this

enjoy your free movies!
[Sep 23,2005 4:15pm - litacore ""]
I do

I think Netflix is a good deal because it requires minimal effort, no changing of my daily routine to drop off movies in time
[Sep 23,2005 4:19pm - MadMac ""]
i'm subscribed to Block its a pretty cool deal getting all these DVDs in the mail. the price is a bit high now $19 for 3dvds at a time.
[Sep 23,2005 5:02pm - the_reverend ""]
lackluster video?
[Sep 23,2005 5:36pm - succubus ""]
well both for free rules
[Sep 24,2005 1:37am - Dissector ""]
the_reverend said:lackluster video?

That's from Daria.

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