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ATTN: Ocean, Hatchet, HBBSI Teratism, BOE & other bands...

[Sep 28,2005 10:53am - DreamingInExile ""]
we (Shroud) have openings on the Stone & Steel/Sayonara fest on Oct 8th, let me know if you guys are interested and we'll hook this shit up!

So far we have:
Hand Choke Neck - unsure (waiting for the newlywed to return to the country)
Life at Zero - no
Porphyria - no
Sin of Angels - no
Hatchet - unsure

I'm trying to get intouch with the following:

Bane of Existance

anyone have other suggestions? I'm at work and having a brainfart
[Sep 28,2005 11:07am - powerkok ""]
Jason emailed me, but I dont think Jake will be back from Ireland by then!!!
Ill see what I can find out. thx Mark.
[Sep 28,2005 11:08am - largefreakatzero ""]
Thanks dude, but I think we'll have to pass on this one. We're focusing on recording right now, which has been a painful process to date. Keep us in mind though, you know we always dig playing with you guys.
[Sep 28,2005 11:15am - DreamingInExile ""]
ah, that's cool Andy, we'll do shows together again soon, kok, hopefully Jake will be back, and sober by then... well, he dosen't have to be sober, so long as he can stand AHAHAHHAHA

who else to ask?

Ocean? Sin of Angels? Hatchet? anyone else?

[Sep 28,2005 11:38am - brian_dc ""]
where in the world can we get information about that weekend....I've been told that Dour Cursiva is playing the 9th (Sayonara Summer Fest)...but I can't find anything about it anywhere...all this second hand info is killin' me
[Sep 28,2005 11:40am - DreamingInExile ""]

ya can get yer info there.
[Sep 28,2005 11:42am - brian_dc ""]
thank you sir
[Sep 28,2005 11:44am - DreamingInExile ""]
brian_dc said:thank you sir

no prob man :newhorns:

so can someone help me get intouch with Sin of Angels and Ocean so I can see if they want to play this fest?
[Sep 28,2005 12:45pm - DreamingInExile ""]
Just talked to Tom from Porphyria, and they're playing another show that night, so they're a no-go...

[Sep 28,2005 12:48pm - sinofangels-ray ""]
sorry we are going to have to pass my man we will be in the middle of recording
[Sep 28,2005 12:55pm - DreamingInExile ""]
sinofangels-ray said:sorry we are going to have to pass my man we will be in the middle of recording



we need at least 3 more bands (possibly 4, I asked one of the other bands I know to play and they're a maybe)

anyone have any other ideas? I'm trying to get in touch with Hatchet (because they rule)
[Sep 28,2005 1:08pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I'll ask them (Hatchet) tomorrow night, I'm sure there is a possibly they'd want to play depending where the show is. Actually I will try to ask them today/tonight.
[Sep 28,2005 1:16pm - DreamingInExile ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:I'll ask them (Hatchet) tomorrow night, I'm sure there is a possibly they'd want to play depending where the show is. Actually I will try to ask them today/tonight.

are you guys practicing tomorrow? if you are, I'll be in the building anyways, upstairs for practice. I can stop by and give you guys details.

[Sep 28,2005 1:17pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Tomorrow night at 8pm there should be a practice.
[Sep 28,2005 1:23pm - DreamingInExile ""]
cool, I'll swing down for a few, I practice upstairs. I haven't really seen you since the saving of Elustria went down, oh so many moons ago...
[Sep 28,2005 6:05pm - dyingmuse at moms(not logged in)  ""]
yeah, we have 4 slots for a shroud cd release party as part of this fest.

and jay, please give me a call and we can talk a bit more.

so what about BOE, Teratism, not common bands?

[Sep 28,2005 6:25pm - eddie ""]
volatile can do sunday http://www.myspace.com/volatilethrash

and i can maybe talk dissector into it if you want
[Sep 28,2005 6:30pm - eddie ""]
oh sorry i thought oct 8th was sunday,in which case saturday could be done depending on the time because i gotta play a wedding with the bags.
[Sep 28,2005 6:40pm - MikeFuck ""]
Haha, you said "bags"
[Sep 28,2005 7:47pm - DreamingInExile ""]
[Sep 28,2005 8:37pm - KeithMutiny ""]

Throwing shrapnel will be performing live, for your listening pleasure, at 4:20 on day 2, the 9th.
[Sep 29,2005 8:42am - Robdeadskin ""]
we will not be ready with jay by then, but thanx wish we could...right now we only jam 2 songs...we are trying to shoot for the end of oct. for a show..but we might not be ready until november or december....thanx for thinkin of us!
[Sep 29,2005 8:46am - DreamingInExile ""]
Robdeadskin said:we will not be ready with jay by then, but thanx wish we could...right now we only jam 2 songs...we are trying to shoot for the end of oct. for a show..but we might not be ready until november or december....thanx for thinkin of us!

damnit! hurry your asses up! lol! You are now sentenced to practice 24/7 until you have a full set! :NEWHORNS:

I can't wait to see you guys again, you guys always put on a sick show :nuke:
[Oct 3,2005 8:10am - DreamingInExile ""]

I'm still looking for Bands for this saturday, contact me back ASAP!

I'd like to hear back from Bane of Existance, Hatchet and anyone else posibly interested today!
[Oct 3,2005 12:15pm - DreamingInExile ""]
[Oct 3,2005 12:17pm - babyshaker ""]
this show worries me hahaha i havent heard anyhgin except off the website my band shasnt even gotten tickets yet idk what the hell is goin on
[Oct 3,2005 2:22pm - reuben ""]
Sorry guys, I'm going to see Turbonegro in Worchester that night, If I didn't already pay for the horribly overpriced tickets we would love to do it. Are you guys doing our release party at O'brions?
[Oct 3,2005 2:35pm - DreamingInExile ""]
reuben said:Sorry guys, I'm going to see Turbonegro in Worchester that night, If I didn't already pay for the horribly overpriced tickets we would love to do it. Are you guys doing our release party at O'brions?

YES! We can't wait to play that show with you guys!!!

and Damn you for going to see turbonegro insted of coming to play a show with us! LOL!

how about we re-emburse you for those tix and you come play anyways :whipper:

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