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wow i just said the bitchiest thing ever

[Sep 29,2005 3:03pm - succubus ""]
we had a meeting with United Way and they want us to donate $$ and showed us a video
the first girl said she was pregnant and homeless and received help from the united way and now has a good job at my company. I quietly said she should have had an abortion instead or looking for hadouts. 3 people heard me, one gave me a dirty look, one looked like she was going to kill me and afterwards the other one told me i was right. She then told me that she's (the lady in the video) a bitch and has parenting issues and a horrible mom..looks like i was right...i know i know, i haven't been in that situation and don't see myself doing that, so i guess i can't say but whatever.
the second video, i'll admit had me watery-eyed...and the third was a black mom saying that her son stuck his hand in a socket and burnt his hand. That's horrible and painful...but i had to restrain myself from laughing when she said.."i turned and saw his hand..it was black"....
well duh..

anyhow i donated the minimum which is 0.2% of my salary which is a lot if you ask me so i guess i was entitled to my comments.

i ended up getting 9 raffle tickets and there were a ton of bags with all sorts of gifts listed...i peered in the bags and tried picking bags that didn't already have a lot of tickets and ended up putting in bags for best buy certificates $150, a $200 gift cert for the local mall and a borders for $100, 2 in a circuit city bag for $250 and a single one for a 1 night stay in some fancy hotel in portland, maine ( i still don't know why i did that since aaron doesn't like hotels...but whatever) i probably won't win anything
[Sep 29,2005 3:05pm - largefreakatzero ""]
That meeting sounds like it was hilarious. I would have fared poorly in that PC crowd.
[Sep 29,2005 3:07pm - anonymous  ""]
i know i offended people but no bosses heard me. and i'll probably get some mean comments on here but i said it.
[Sep 29,2005 3:07pm - anonymous  ""]
hey...that was me...no clue why i just got booted out...
[Sep 29,2005 3:14pm - davefromthegrave ""]
anonymous said:hey...that was me...no clue why i just got booted out...

that's happened to me as well.

fuck your workplace. they should pretty much describe the job as paying .2% less annually than it actually does. If it's required, it's not a donation. they're taking your money. people don't pipe up about that shit because they don't want to seem like assholes and lose their jobs, but you have a choice of whether or not you have to donate to any charity. and yeah, she should have gotten an abortion.
[Sep 29,2005 3:14pm - Christraper ""]
succubus said:"i turned and saw his hand..it was black"....
well duh..


[Sep 29,2005 3:21pm - succubus ""]
oh well there was a box saying "i do not wish to donate" but then i wouldn't have gotten all those raffle tickets! hah (stuff i won't win) and it looked like EVERYONE was giving
[Sep 29,2005 3:41pm - succubus ""]
wow..what a say...this girl got a report and said oh how funny and she started reading it outloud.."incident occured in the house of chickens. As I walked toward the hosue of chickens I saw a bunch of Mexicans running out screaming and waving their hands in thw air...I entered the house of chickens and saw a forklift with a dead man lying in front of it with no head and i finally saw his head that had rolled...
ugh she stopped reading and we all stopped laughing
[Oct 4,2005 3:25pm - succubus ""]
ok so my friend won 1 of the prizes
$40 gift card from olive garden and 4 movie passes

more prizes tbd...
[Oct 4,2005 6:02pm - davefromthegrave ""]
succubus said:$40 gift card from olive garden

now that's adding insult to well, insult.

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