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Check this guitar out

[Sep 30,2005 9:44pm - dwellingsickness ""]
[Sep 30,2005 9:46pm - dwellingsickness ""]
Damn it ,I could not get the Image to show up here
[Sep 30,2005 10:09pm - BornSoVile ""]
Dude! I played one of those at Boston Guitar Works in Brockton!
[Sep 30,2005 11:22pm - powerkok ""]
Holy weird!
[Oct 1,2005 1:57am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Looks cool but it probably absurdly annoying to play.
[Oct 1,2005 1:58am - thedeparted ""]
BornSoVile said:Dude! I played one of those at Boston Guitar Works in Brockton!

how does it sound?
[Oct 1,2005 8:52pm - blue ""]
thedeparted said:BornSoVile said:Dude! I played one of those at Boston Guitar Works in Brockton!

how does it sound?

let me guess: like a strat.
[Oct 1,2005 11:12pm - PatMeebles ""]
how... postmodern

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