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Show: U2 tonight

[Oct 3,2005 3:29pm - succubus ""]
anyone going?

so i emailed a girl that works at the venue and told her to have fun at the show tonight...and she replied back that my name was on the guestlist with a photo pass....

nice to know..would have been cooler had someone emailed me to tell me
[Oct 3,2005 3:32pm - paganmegan ""]
my roomate is going to that show
[Oct 3,2005 3:43pm - succubus ""]
ah cool!
I think i'm going to drive to a certain point and then park and take the T esp since i won't be staying the whole show...hmmm i am so lost when it comes to that place
[Oct 3,2005 3:59pm - dirteecraon nli  ""]
makes sense --- a friend of mine saw bono in harvard square yesterday
[Oct 3,2005 10:46pm - succubus ""]
Wow...what a night....ill post stories later...
[Oct 3,2005 10:59pm - Chris_From_Shit_Fuck ""]
I actually would've really want to go, but I only really like the old U2 stuff.
[Oct 4,2005 1:39am - davefromthegrave ""]
I hate that band, but I hope you had a good time.
[Oct 4,2005 6:57am - Sinistas ""]
did they play Stay? that song is great
[Oct 4,2005 8:24am - succubus ""]
i didn't stay for the whole show so i dunno..sorry!
i'll post some pics soon if anyone cares. i got dragged in front by their publicist and bono jumped right in front of me so i got some "money" shots
[Oct 4,2005 12:28pm - nate nli  ""]
where are these so called "money" shots already??
[Oct 4,2005 12:53pm - succubus ""]
i'm at work now

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