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Friday, October 28th - Woburn, MA - Invocation of Nehek, The Auburn System, The Taste of Silver, Engineer, more!

[show listing]  _________________________________________________
[Oct 3,2005 11:10pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Friday, October 28th
@ United Methodist Church
523 Main St
Woburn, MA
$10 - All Ages - doors 4:30/first band 5:30
Invocation of Nehek
The Auburn System
The Nicaea Room
Waking Judea
The Taste of Silver
What Once Was
[Oct 4,2005 12:51am - mOe ""]
WHOA...TTOS on this? yup...i'm goin
[Oct 4,2005 10:00am - anonymous  ""]
You know, ive heard a million different lineups for this show, so I'd double check this.
[Oct 4,2005 10:04am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
yeah me too but ION, TAS, TNR, and Waking Judea have been on it the whole time so I guess they're in for the count. We got added not long ago and I got an email from the promoter confirming it.

But I always suggest checking with the promoter if a person is gonna be driving far.
[Oct 4,2005 10:37pm - blue nli  ""]
considering i live 5 mins away from this place, ill totally be there.
[Oct 17,2005 6:32am - fatcobra  ""]
sorry everyone has seen a few different bands come and go on the line up but this is the final one. a few bands confirmed then had to drop.

[Oct 17,2005 9:40am - dreadkill ""]
that's right down the street from my house in burlingotn. i have a halloween party to attend that night though. have fun at the show.
[Oct 17,2005 10:27am - RustedAngel ""]
I'll be there, eat my butt.
[Oct 17,2005 10:37am - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
I think ill be there to catch the taste of silver
[Oct 17,2005 11:01am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
slowlypeelingtheflesh said:I think ill be there to catch the taste of silver

that would be ill

we're third and sets are short, so come early
[Oct 17,2005 10:34pm - fatcobra  ""]
ken do not be a pussy..and just go....btw ttos play 3rd and play for 30min. starting at 6:30pm
[Oct 17,2005 10:48pm - Justin ACR  ""]
any slots on this gig?
[Oct 17,2005 10:51pm - RustedAngel ""]
Justin ACR said:any slots on this gig?

I wish, porphyria would be interested in playing.
[Oct 20,2005 11:59am - Blue ""]
[Oct 22,2005 12:11pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
we're still doing this, prepare for the face rainbow slide!
[Oct 25,2005 5:48pm - Embludgeonment  ""]
hmm. tom you going to be there earlier enough to check us out? Were up first. and we'll have severed heads.
[Oct 25,2005 8:47pm - TOC nli  ""]
so many throats will be smashed
[Oct 26,2005 4:58pm - Blue ""]
im definetly getting to this show late.
[Oct 26,2005 10:36pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
we go on at 6:30 I think, no show up later faggiosite.

want us to drive you there?
[Oct 27,2005 3:16pm - Blue ""]
if i wasnt getting out of work much later than that, then yes.
[Oct 27,2005 3:36pm - anonymous  ""]
this show will be ridiculous. and yeah, porphyria should be on this. TAS and ION should be awesome.
[Oct 28,2005 12:31pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
tonight, I might try and play the two-finger version of Our Lot if anyone wants to rock to that.

come sing vocals with me and rowan!!! ALL SING ALONGS ALL NIGHT!!!
[Oct 28,2005 2:28pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
leaving in an hour
[Oct 28,2005 2:44pm - anonymous  ""]
Invocation just canclled i'm really sorry....someone have porphyria call me 781-718-1341
[Oct 28,2005 2:59pm - nahh_keed ""]
[Oct 28,2005 3:10pm - RustedAngel ""]

we were all planning on attending this anyways, the only problem is I only have my guitar with me and would have to drive 2 hours to my house to get my amp/cabs then an hour back to woburn. sooo.....

WOULD ANYONE LET ME USE THEIR GUITAR AMP/CAB FOR 25 MIN? A tube amp preferrably (5150, whatever), reply here asap or give me a call @ 603-781-0993! If we can get this worked out we can do it! Thanks!
[Oct 28,2005 4:31pm - RustedAngel ""]
[Oct 28,2005 6:03pm - mOe ""]
goddamit...i would have put this show in my weekend plans/schedule had i known before hand that Porphyria was on it......this just went from a sweet show to an AWESOME show an i'm not going...nice
[Oct 29,2005 12:34am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
this show was fun

Joey really knows how to throw a fucking party!

Special thanks to Stash and the rest of the band for being super awesome sports about everything.

What Once Was was excellent tonight and kids went fucking berzerk with singalongs and shit for them.
[Oct 29,2005 1:35am - RustedAngel ""]
pretty cool show. I was bummed that ION dropped and then psyched that they were back on but then bummed again because Rob quit on them today.

Thanks to Nick for letting me use the A/B pedal and Robb/Steve for letting me run both of their 5150's at the same time. It sounded balls. It was definetly too fucking loud though! sorry! Thanks to Joe for the show and anyone who came up to us and gave us props afterwards.

Invocation of nehek / Porphyria Tour Jan 05 mothafukas.
[Oct 29,2005 2:07am - mOe ""]
haha, well who the HELL's gonna sing for em?!
[Oct 29,2005 8:52pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
last night they had a random array of people taking the mic and doing vox
[Oct 29,2005 8:57pm - fatcobra  ""]
i'm glad everyone had a good time..I'll be doing much more in the near future
[Oct 29,2005 9:05pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah, What Once Was get better and have better crowd response each time I see them.
[Oct 29,2005 9:06pm - the_reverend ""]
RustedAngel said:Invocation of nehek / Porphyria Tour Jan 05 mothafukas.

so I missed it?
I bet all the motherfuckers missed it too.
[Oct 29,2005 10:55pm - thedeparted ""]
so is this invocation's last show with their singer?
[Oct 30,2005 8:20pm - anonymous  ""]
ION's singer didn't go....it was an open mic

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