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Go see Catalyst or GET FUCKED!

[show listing]  ________________________________________
[Oct 5,2005 2:11pm - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
seriously. come watch the fabulous Tony Aloha summon the Macchu Picchu madness as he screws goats beneath the Mayan moon. or don't and be a big fat gaymo. the choice is yours.


and for this stunner of a show, i suggest you all study your MAGICS FIVE

[Oct 5,2005 3:03pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Insane Clown Posse?
[Oct 5,2005 4:32pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
In the brand new Metal Maniacs (Dec 2005), Ben has a CATALYST shirt on in the big picture in the SOILENT GREEN article.
[Oct 5,2005 4:50pm - Anthony nli  ""]
It's awesome you guys got on the Meshuggah show! You deserve it - good for you
[Oct 5,2005 6:14pm - davefromthegrave ""]
As much as I love catalyst, I'd honestly rather get fucked.

But since that won't be happening (as usual) I'll come to this show.
[Oct 5,2005 8:13pm - anonymous  ""]
at first i thought this was about the catalyst from dc/va, then i thought it was about get fucked on level plane. i was wrong about both.
[Oct 5,2005 8:46pm - anonymous  ""]
Is Mnemic not playing this show? :duffbeer:
[Oct 6,2005 12:37pm - GoatofCatalyst  ""]
Mnemic is, but I mean... did THEY make this sweet-tits flyer? Nope, I did

Mr. Dwyer, thank you for your observation - I must purchase that magazine. Ben is a grand gentleman.

And Mr. From the Grave, should you purchase your tickets from myself and Catalyst, I will thank you kindly and see to it that my harlots reward you with fellatio, sweet fellatio.

I encourage all to attend these shows. And for the "Halloween" show, we intend to dress up as 1990-era Megadeth (though Tom Araya may make a cameo in the guise of our rather non-pasty-honky-ass-Mustaine-looking Peruvian howler, Tony Aloha) and cover "Five Magics"
[Oct 7,2005 12:52pm - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
Bump and sniff.



[Oct 7,2005 1:10pm - davefromthegrave ""]
hey Ry guy...I think I actually am gonna be forced to skip this show...I've got midterms coming up. sorry dude.
[Oct 7,2005 2:18pm - MadMac ""]
catalyst? never heard of you guys. were any of you in other bands before? just curious!
[Oct 7,2005 2:31pm - the_reverend ""]
they were in capharnum.. I think.
[Oct 7,2005 3:05pm - MadMac ""]
never heard of them either, oh well haha. i'll be at the show this weekend though.
[Oct 7,2005 3:10pm - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
myspace.com/unholycatalyst - check it out, Mr. MadMac. The Rev is correct, several of us were in the CT incarnation of Capharnaum. If you're into technical death metal like Carcass (Necroticism / Heartwork era), Death (Human / Individual Thought Patters era), Suffocation, Cryptopsy... shit like that with no traces of -core (ie no breakdowns here), well then, you just might like us. Give us a fair shake. But nonetheless, Mr. MadMac, I would urge you to purchase your tickets from me/Catalyst, as I have them for a mere $18. I think you'll be paying $20+ at the door. And it totally helps us out, too. See, EVERYBODY wins. Please and thank you.
[Oct 7,2005 3:54pm - MadMac ""]
hey well i already got my tixs. i'm sorry... but why u callin' me MR? i'm only 25! hahahahaha. makin me feel old. i'll give you guys a fair shake! i'm there! although i am not really into carcass, death, suffocation or crytopsy. but hey i'm open minded! i'll check out your myspace page!
[Oct 10,2005 10:08am - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
I'm 26 dude. It's cool. Check us out tonight. Thanks.
[Oct 10,2005 1:04pm - diamond_dave ""]
i thought you were giving me a choice between seeing Catalyst or seeing Get Fucked. ah well.
[Oct 11,2005 8:38am - MadMac ""]
hey I enjoyed the songs you guys have. now did you have a CD? I'm not totally into that death metal vocals but the music is very good. glad to see some good CT bands. my brother use to go to tons of shows back in the day (he no longer listens to heavy/hardcore stuff today as he is old with kids) I am into technical metal so you guys fit the bill! good stuff

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