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ATTN: Wade and other medium format experts

[Oct 14,2005 8:21pm - succubus ""]
i want to buy one to play with...this is an offer i've gotten:

Bronica ETR S 645 with a 75mm 1:2.8
Bronica Trigger Grip
Two 120 Backs

It is in good condition and I am asking $500 I never use this so if you are interested let me know
what do you think?
i'm doing searches on ebay and photo.net

but any advice would be appreciated!

[Oct 14,2005 9:11pm - wade ""]
i have never touched a Bronica camera. for a little more, you could do Mamiya and that is best, in my opinion. I mean, I'm sure the Bronica is fine and that seems to be a decent lens regarding speed and focal length. do you have access to the camera? if you do, see if you can run a roll through it & if you're satisfied, go for it.
[Oct 14,2005 9:42pm - succubus ""]
hmmm i don't think i found the same model...looks like 500 might be too much...i haven't seen or played with it
ps: i just got yer msg about the med. format pic..i can't wait to see!
[Oct 14,2005 10:16pm - the_reverend ""]
carina wants 9'x45' blow up shots of my junk

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