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Is Scurvy really playing at Cabot Street oct 16th

[Oct 15,2005 2:25pm - anonymous  ""]
Yeah, I was looking at the events page and it just seems kind of strange because BYD is playing the same day and place with STK and what not. It would help me out if someone can comfirm if they are going to be there.
[Oct 15,2005 2:51pm - the_reverend ""]
one sec
[Oct 15,2005 2:52pm - the_reverend ""]
ok, from scott lee
Sun. Oct. 16th - ALL AGES- Bury Your Dead, Shoot To Kill, Pale Horse, Brothers In Arms, Love Amongst the Ruins, Killing Floor
[Oct 16,2005 6:30pm - RazorBladeRay  ""]

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