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recommend some SYL...

[Oct 15,2005 4:42pm - nate nli  ""]
I just got a 2 song promo of Strapping Young Lads new CD and it's killing me. What other CD's do they use this 80's glam rock style vocals? With their music the vocals rule and mix awesome. I'd love to pick up some of their full lengths for the long drive to TN in a couple weeks. So... Any recommendations?
[Oct 15,2005 4:51pm - retzam ""]
Alien is not a really good example of SYL. It's such a good album though. If you like that promo I'd get Alien cause you'll definitely love that, but it's heavier than anything they've done in the past. Unfortunately it's the only SYL I own, but I hear City is really awesome, and everyone who likes them appears to love all of the records, so "eeny, meeny, miny, buy".
[Oct 15,2005 4:51pm - retzam ""]
As far as vocals go, I have no idea what they sound like on other albums.
[Oct 15,2005 5:09pm - nate nli  ""]
Thanks dude, I'm gonna go find a distro that takes paypal and buy the Alien disc.
[Oct 15,2005 5:15pm - ninkaszi  ""]
just get "city". it's by far their best material and it crushes anything else they have done.
[Oct 15,2005 5:17pm - nate nli  ""]
Ok I'll order that one to then... Hehe
[Oct 15,2005 6:12pm - hunterhunter ""]

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