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next thursday on DOUCHE 100(sirius)

[Oct 17,2005 6:51pm - intricateprocess ""]
howard sterns channel. they are going to lock high pitch eric in a room with microphones set up. he will be in there for 24 hours doing nothing but eating, and they are going to weigh his poop.
[Oct 17,2005 7:51pm - Spaldino on a fucking mac... lame  ""]
... what the fuck? richard christy should do blast beats for 5 minutes straight every hour while eric is in there. the catch is... the kit will be electric... and each drum will sound like a fart.
[Oct 17,2005 7:52pm - BornSoVile ""]
i heard bubba the love sponge will be joining him...i'm now tempted to get sirius.
[Oct 17,2005 8:25pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
yeah, he's had bubba on a couple times lately
[Oct 17,2005 8:27pm - i_am_not_logged_in  ""]
I thought it wasn't supposed to start until January '06.

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