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movie: elizabethtown

[Oct 18,2005 2:21pm - succubus ""]
ok so i have a free movie ticket (and free popcorn too) anyhow, it expires so i'm going to go tonight and i don't want to pick a movie that aaron would want to see so i'm going to see this.

looks sorta like a chick flick BUT it's written by a guy and i think you see things in his viewpoint

i like cameron crowe and hopefully it'll be good

and i'm only psoting this in case anyone else sees it...feel free to reply!
[Oct 18,2005 4:06pm - succubus ""]
Heh no one else I see....I'm there now and previews just started...
[Oct 18,2005 4:19pm - shatteredliz ""]
Carina, we're pushing the soundtrack pretty hard. It's supossed to be really prevalent in the movie. Let me know!
[Oct 18,2005 4:23pm - BSV  ""]
This is the total embodiment of a chick flick. I think I'll pass.
[Oct 18,2005 4:47pm - shatteredliz ""]
I thought you liked chick flicks?
[Oct 18,2005 4:49pm - BSV  ""]
I bought Garden State the other day, does that count?
[Oct 18,2005 5:01pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I saw it on Friday with a female friend, it's a decent movie. I like road trip movies.
[Oct 18,2005 5:25pm - i_am_not_logged_in  ""]
I'll probably end up seeing it with my girlfriend at some point.
[Oct 18,2005 6:26pm - succubus ""]
It's not a pure chick flick...I'd say garden state is a lot more chick flick...anyhow..wow..I enjoyed it....having lost my dad myself..I got watery eyed and when he sees his dad in the coffin for the first time bugged me
Road trip..yes...he drives scattering his dad's ashes. I laughed when I shouldn't have..like when the coffin's going down in the ground
[Oct 18,2005 6:29pm - succubus ""]
Soundtrack is key....there was a lot of music....I'm sure it's awesome....I don't think sony sent it to me though
[Oct 19,2005 4:15pm - shatteredliz ""]
You want one? E-mail me you address again and I'll put it in the mail for ya!
[Oct 19,2005 4:57pm - succubus ""]
okies thank you!
[Oct 19,2005 8:32pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Liz, can you please send me the soundtrack CD too?

John Dwyer
P.O. Box 4198
Middletown, RI 02842

[Oct 19,2005 9:08pm - dirteecrayon nli  ""]
succubus said: I laughed when I shouldn't have..like when the coffin's going down in the ground

i haven't seen the movie yet but i was watching a behind the scenes show on the food network and that scene had me laughing as well b/c i didn't know what was going on

orlando bloom isnt bad to look at either o_O

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