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One thing that is very irritating...

[Oct 20,2005 11:21am - MASlayer  ""]
It seems that thrash is making a comeback which is great...but some bands just don't get it. They bill themselves as thrash and they're more early death metal than anything. Some bands are musically proficient in thrash and then the vocals just ruin it. I DON'T WANT DEATH METAL IN MY THRASH!! If you're going to be thrash, be 100% thrash, not just in parts or similar style...just had to ven after hearing what I thought would be promising releases just to be let down...I'll step off the soap box now
[Oct 20,2005 11:27am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
What releases are you talking about? I like some of the death/thrash crossover but I know what you mean.

I do an occasional death grunt in ExAgenda but then again bands I listened to in 1987 were doing that...
[Oct 20,2005 11:35am - Chris_From_Shit_Fuck ""]
Dude many bands have been combining Death Metal and Thrash since the mid/late 80's, and have done amazing. The biggest name that I can think of would be Chuck Schuldiner's "Death". The first 3 albums were very thrashy but also had a very death metal appeal to them. Germany's BK 49 (RIP) when they used to thrash out, they thrashed out big time with heavy Cannibal Corpse and Morbid Angel influences. Then there's the old Incubus with albums like Serpent Temptation and Beyond the Unknown, who like death, had the best Death Thrash sound.

So in conclusion it's not something new, it's been around for almost 20 years, the bands that are doing it now are paying respect to those founders of some of the best metal in the late 80's.

Now I'LL step off my soapbox.
[Oct 20,2005 11:45am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
rub my belly for good luck
[Oct 20,2005 11:46am - RichHorror ""]
Kiss my ass it smells.
[Oct 20,2005 11:47am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Well, let's also not forget death metal is an evolution of thrash/speed metal in general

I can see MASlayer's point though, sometimes it can get annoying that they don't go for a more unique voice than just growling.
[Oct 20,2005 11:49am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
One time when I was 19 I hooked up with a 13 year old
[Oct 20,2005 11:51am - RichHorror ""]
That was last thursday.
[Oct 20,2005 11:52am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I wish it was, now I can only get 15 and 16 year old girls interested.
[Oct 21,2005 3:11pm - MASlayer  ""]
Chris_From_Shit_Fuck said:Dude many bands have been combining Death Metal and Thrash since the mid/late 80's, and have done amazing. The biggest name that I can think of would be Chuck Schuldiner's "Death". The first 3 albums were very thrashy but also had a very death metal appeal to them. Germany's BK 49 (RIP) when they used to thrash out, they thrashed out big time with heavy Cannibal Corpse and Morbid Angel influences. Then there's the old Incubus with albums like Serpent Temptation and Beyond the Unknown, who like death, had the best Death Thrash sound.

So in conclusion it's not something new, it's been around for almost 20 years, the bands that are doing it now are paying respect to those founders of some of the best metal in the late 80's.

Now I'LL step off my soapbox.

I completely disagree...Death is just that...from the riffs, production and subject matter are the genesis of what death metal has become. And make no mistake, when a band calls themself "death/thrash" I know what to expect...when a band just calls themself thrash and is more death than thrash it bothers me to no end for some reason...Bands like Massacra I would call death thrash but for the most part, they seem to work best apart than together...

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