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Leonard Cohen appreciation thread

[Oct 20,2005 7:11pm - davefromthegrave ""]
Everyone once in a while has to just retreat from the world. There's little things we all do for comfort when we're fed up with reality, and as I've learned lately, the croonings of Mr. Cohen are a release to many folks as well as myself. He's the guy we turn to when we're sinking into misery, lonely and have nobody else. He's a private pleasure, and as such, nobody ever talks about him, or listens to him when friends are around. We do buy his albums, but he doesn't recieve quite so much acclaim as he deserves, because, as I said, he's the audible shoulder to lean on when we haven't got a friend.


[Oct 20,2005 7:16pm - brian_dc ""]
for some reason I thought this said, Lindsey Lohan appreciation thread...now I realize that I see things
[Oct 20,2005 7:49pm - succubus ""]
i <3 him
and you know where he's from right?
[Oct 20,2005 7:49pm - davefromthegrave ""]
succubus said:i <3 him
and you know where he's from right?

no, come to think of it, I don't.
[Oct 20,2005 7:49pm - shrapnel !  ""]
fuck yeah !
[Oct 20,2005 8:08pm - succubus ""]
he's canadian
[Oct 20,2005 9:34pm - shrapnel !  ""]
he's also got some badass fucking songs.

if it be your will, is my favorite but that motherfucker is as depressing if not more then tom waits with a shotgun and barrel of whiskey
[Oct 20,2005 9:40pm - davefromthegrave ""]
If you like him, check out Nick Cave and the Bad seeds. Nick Cave has been described as a progression of Leonard Cohen and I can agree with that.
[Oct 20,2005 9:44pm - wade ""]
davefromthegrave said:If you like him, check out Nick Cave and the Bad seeds. Nick Cave has been described as a progression of Leonard Cohen and I can agree with that.


[Oct 20,2005 9:45pm - davefromthegrave ""]
wade said:davefromthegrave said:If you like him, check out Nick Cave and the Bad seeds. Nick Cave has been described as a progression of Leonard Cohen and I can agree with that.


my favorite of his is easily the song "The Curse of Millhaven"
[Oct 20,2005 9:47pm - wade ""]
i really, REALLY like "watching Alice"

do you like Birthday Party as well?
[Oct 20,2005 9:49pm - shrapnel !  ""]
yeah not a Nick Cave fan
[Oct 20,2005 9:51pm - davefromthegrave ""]
wade said:i really, REALLY like "watching Alice"

do you like Birthday Party as well?

I never heard Birthday party
[Oct 20,2005 10:06pm - succubus ""]
one of my all time favorites songs is into my arms...there is a live version i have...i prefer it to the original...i have a crappy version of it...but it's soo good..it was shortly after his grandmother died and he dedicated it to her
[Oct 21,2005 1:20am - diamond_dave ""]
I'm a big fan of both...New Skin for the Old Ceremony is my favorite Cohen album.
Nick Cave has some really bad/annoying stuff, but some great stuff as well. Murder Ballads is top notch. So is his cover of Let it Be.
[Oct 21,2005 12:36pm - davefromthegrave ""]
If I had to pick a favorite tune, it'd be "A Thousand Kisses Deep"
[Oct 22,2005 3:04am - diamond_dave ""]
that's my favorite as well.
[Oct 22,2005 3:16am - intricateprocess ""]
for some reason i thought this was a david choen apprt. htread. in that case, id have to woop some ass.(3 close family members in Newton are Firefighters)

in case you're wondering,newton is cutting back its firefighter force(which it should expand on)
[Oct 22,2005 7:28am - anonymous  ""]

the singer/guitar player of this band was working on a leonard cohen tribute album. I think he has one of the songs up there.
[Oct 22,2005 1:57pm - the_rooster ""]
don't go home with your hard on

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