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WTF site of the day...you have to see this...

[Oct 24,2005 3:04pm - succubus ""]
ok so I got an email forwarded to me that told a story about a woman almost getting kidnapped...I never know if those are real. For the heck of it, I tried doing a search...I couldn't remember the name of that site that talks about chain emails and if they are fake or whatever....anyhow...check out this site:

i'll be honest i didn't click much when i saw the girl's panties because i'm not sure what kind of site it is.....is it for fetishists or a joke?
[Oct 24,2005 3:08pm - the_reverend ""]
the game comes to an end
[Oct 25,2005 1:00am - DEATH2ALL ""]
Wow. That's original. I wonder if they're hookers too?
[Oct 25,2005 2:14am - intricateprocess ""]
i heard about this i believe on stern. i think he interviewed the guy that runs it
[Oct 25,2005 2:16am - intricateprocess ""]
shit i kinda wanna get someone kidnapped. that would be fucking intense

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