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gotta love arguing with retards

[Oct 25,2005 12:20pm - succubus ""]
Moron #1:
hhgregg is a group of retail stores located primarily in the NorthEast of United States. You can find their website on www.hhgregg.com.

ME: not north east...
hhgregg has retail stores throughout the Midwest and Southeast..
Idiot #2: hmm im in Northeast and we have hhgregg... so uhm...

ME again: hmm indeed since i live in the north east, didn't hear of the store and so i went to the site and i cut and pasted the text i typed above of their site...

http://www.hhgregg.com/storeLocator...BE6F4A7598 592

Below is a listing of all hhgregg retail stores in the
United States, grouped by State. Alabama
North Carolina
South Carolina
those don't sound like northeast to me
maybe you have a "special" atlas

[Oct 25,2005 12:23pm - anonymous  ""]
Ohio is northeast of Arizona if that helps

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