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Children of Bodom - "Are You Dead Yet?"

[Oct 26,2005 12:15am - Ryan_M ""]
has anyone else picked this up? i bought it last night, as soon as it came out.
it's okay, definitely not their best work though. i think their other albums are flawless, but this one just sounds kinda half-assed. maybe i haven't listened to it enough yet, i don't know what do you guys think?
[Oct 26,2005 7:11am - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
*thumbs down*
[Oct 26,2005 7:48am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
i wish children of bodom would die
[Oct 26,2005 8:33am - MadMac ""]
everyone thinks they are the next Andrew W.K. with that song Living Dead Beat

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