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carve a pumpkin thanks to toilette humor!

[Oct 26,2005 9:23am - succubus ""]
[Oct 30,2005 9:41am - succubus ""]
no one else tried this?
[Oct 30,2005 10:23am - Ryan_M ""]
i tried it, it was fun! kind of addicting actually, i keep wanting to carve different swear words and racial slurs in the pumpkin!
[Oct 30,2005 1:16pm - thedeparted ""]
yeah i tried it, i thought it was going to be one of those
BOO things at the end of it, heh

[Oct 31,2005 2:02pm - succubus ""]
bump because it's halloween today!
[Oct 31,2005 2:23pm - thedeparted ""]
good idea
you get addicted to making stupid things on it hah
[Oct 31,2005 2:26pm - DreamingInExile ""]
my friend just did a shroud of bereavement logo for me on the pumpkin:

he rocks!

[Oct 31,2005 2:44pm - cdan ""]
[Oct 31,2005 2:44pm - cdan ""]

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