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ATTN: whoever wanted to donate $$ to the reverend for his bday and didn't

[Oct 28,2005 8:35am - succubus ""]
ok so i've gotten 5 messages via phone, email, rttp pm's and myspace messages.

Looks like people forgot to donate. Here's the thing, I figured since aaron didn't get enough money for lens and given all his current expenses...let me post this...

if you still want to paypal money, you can simply send it to him:
and indicate all your info in there

those of you who took my mailing address and were planning on mailing money, well the address is the same, so that's cool...he'll get it.

if you wanted to donate now is your chance.

that's all..

[Oct 28,2005 8:39am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I'd really like to chip in but I'm broke and can't work at the moment.

Please don't hate on a brotha.

weep weep weep weep
[Oct 28,2005 8:41am - DreamingInExile ""]
I still planned on donating, actually, I think all of us in Shroud were gonna donate as a collective gift, let me get in touch with everyone
[Oct 28,2005 8:43am - thedeparted ""]
is there a deadline on this? we are waiting to get a check from
a show we played. It's not much, but just let me know if theres a deadline
[Oct 28,2005 10:56am - succubus ""]
i don't know about deadline...
umm at least another week since he can't buy it yet anyhow
[Oct 28,2005 12:30pm - anonymous  ""]
emailed you!
[Oct 28,2005 1:15pm - LtdEc-1000 ""]
I got fired, and i have about 8 dollars to my name. Otherwise, i would definitley pitch in. That lens looks kickass.
[Oct 28,2005 3:17pm - succubus ""]
sorry that you were fired dude.. :(

and anonymous...i don't think i got an email
[Oct 30,2005 9:40am - succubus ""]
[Oct 31,2005 2:03pm - succubus ""]
thanks Scott!
aaron thanks you too

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