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anyone going to Rasputina tonight?

[Oct 30,2005 10:26am - litacore ""]
Middle East down. It's been a while. I need some cello/corset rock. :sctachy:
[Oct 30,2005 10:27am - the_reverend ""]
I would if opeth weren't playing.
[Oct 30,2005 10:29am - succubus ""]
their site features my pics and aaron's

have a blast larissa!
[Oct 30,2005 10:35am - litacore ""]

*oh mommy!*
[Oct 30,2005 11:11am - paganmegan ""]
hmm I might go to this.
I've never seen them live, I need to check out the newer stuff. I've only heard the first two albums.

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