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the biggest crock of bullshit in the world

[Oct 30,2005 4:32pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i can't go see opeth and nevermore tonight...fucking weak
[Oct 30,2005 8:49pm - babyshakedoesnt feel like loggin in  ""]
i know how ya feel man like everyone i know went to buckethead tonight it sucks
[Oct 30,2005 9:19pm - infoterror ""]
Blow me instead, because you're a total fag if you want to see opeth and nevermore.
[Oct 30,2005 9:28pm - the_reverend ""]
buckethead tonight? and wade isn't there?
[Oct 30,2005 9:28pm - eddie ""]
infoterror said:Blow me instead, because you're a total fag if you want to see opeth and nevermore.

if opeth was an unknown band would you say that?

last time i saw opeth they almost put me to sleep. so if i can help it i don't want to see them again.
[Oct 30,2005 9:29pm - wade ""]
the_reverend said:buckethead tonight? and wade isn't there?

that makes no sense. i HATE buckets.
[Oct 30,2005 9:32pm - wade ""]
AND i hate to put a small air conditioner away and pay my electricity bill. so no buckethead. (I'd rather pour road salt down my urethra)
[Oct 30,2005 9:33pm - the_reverend ""]
I know what you mean..

"ok, charlie bucket, how many wonka bars have you opened?"


"200? that easy. you take 200 over the total..."

"not 200, sir, only 2"

[Oct 30,2005 9:33pm - wade ""]
eddie said:infoterror said:Blow me instead, because you're a total fag if you want to see opeth and nevermore.

if opeth was an unknown band would you say that?

last time i saw opeth they almost put me to sleep. so if i can help it i don't want to see them again.

boring live band, yes.

In Flames remains the only band I've fallen asleep during.
[Oct 30,2005 9:36pm - the_reverend ""]
at one point, I would always fall asleep around minute 40 of cannibal corpse's 72 minute set.

last time I was @ club 125, I crash HARD during overkill, missing the only song I stayed for!
[Oct 30,2005 9:38pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
the_reverend said:at one point, I would always fall asleep around minute 40 of cannibal corpse's 72 minute set.

I have found I have left after their past few sets, halfway through. Only because they seem to play the same shit every time, I love their old albums and I love the new stuff but the live show is a broken record, and Corpsegrinder even says the same shout-outs between each tune.
[Oct 30,2005 9:57pm - Dissector ""]
Very few live bands can keep my attention.
[Oct 30,2005 10:01pm - the_reverend ""]
oh look! something shiney!
[Oct 31,2005 7:47am - Ryan_M ""]
yeah cannibal corpse isn't that interesting to watch.....come to think of it, i don't think i have seen one death metal band that i thought was a really good show.....napalm death was fucking awesome when i saw them, but if you want to be picky with genres, they aren't exactly death metal as much grindcore......okay maybe "harmony corruption" was death metal but i'm going to shut up now.

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