was this Divine Intervention? or Darwinism?[views:1448][posts:7]__________________________________ [Oct 31,2005 9:52am - litacore ""] http://www.cnn.com/2005/US/10/31/pastor.electrocuted.ap/index.html "He was grabbing the microphone so everyone could hear," she said. "It's the only way you can be loud enough." well I'm sure it was worth it. Idiots. |
______________________________ [Oct 31,2005 9:54am - Lamp ""] 800 lucky people got to watch this moron die. |
_______________________________________ [Oct 31,2005 9:55am - Messerschmitt ""] ZZZzzZZZzzZZzap |
______________________________________________ [Oct 31,2005 9:56am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli ""] BURN THE PRIEST |
______________________________________ [Oct 31,2005 11:08am - Christraper ""] :krusty: |
___________________________________________ [Oct 31,2005 12:06pm - intricateprocess ""] water=electricity dont mix. thats something you learn when you are like 3 years old |
_______________________________________________ [Oct 31,2005 12:51pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli ""] Stupid intricateprocess, Christians don't believe in electricity. |
________________________________ [Oct 31,2005 12:54pm - Yeti ""] everyday another reason why you shouldnt believe in god |