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Gwen Stefani tonight TD BankNorth Garden

[Oct 31,2005 3:08pm - succubus ""]
anyone from here going?

I just looked at ticket prices at 65.50 plus ticketmaster charges HOLY CRAP!

first 2 songs no flash and i REALLY hope Gwen isn't like Mariah Carey and have you stand 234905934593944533 feet away from the stage because she doesn't want anyone seeing her imperfections....i'll be pissed

[Oct 31,2005 3:48pm - BSV  ""]
[Oct 31,2005 3:54pm - succubus ""]
if i can get close enough..i'll take a sexy pic of her just for you J!
[Oct 31,2005 3:55pm - DreamingInExile ""]
I liked her with No Doubt, he solo stuff is the pits IMO... I still think she's cute though
[Oct 31,2005 4:00pm - RustedAngel ""]
i can't believe it's $65 to see such a dumb ho-bag.
[Oct 31,2005 4:07pm - DreamingInExile ""]
I'd pay the $65 if she performed in the nude
[Oct 31,2005 4:19pm - MadMac ""]
me like her ;)
[Oct 31,2005 4:19pm - succubus ""]
to see her skin and bones? lol
[Oct 31,2005 4:21pm - succubus ""]
i like her too and so i'm shooting the show...i like no doubt and not really her solo stuff, but this will be good for my portfolio since since a superstar'
so much for "not mainstream hahaha
[Oct 31,2005 4:22pm - DreamingInExile ""]
true, she does make me look fat... LMAO!
[Oct 31,2005 4:27pm - litacore ""]
I actually like 'Hollaback Girl'
[Oct 31,2005 4:50pm - MadMac ""]
and "COOL" is a great song too. heh
[Oct 31,2005 4:52pm - succubus ""]
actually i like cool too

i wonder if there will be a milliom asian girls on stage with her
[Oct 31,2005 4:55pm - succubus ""]
[Oct 31,2005 5:08pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
This whole Japanese posse thing is ridiculous. Not only that, but isn't she in some kind of hip hop/R&B phase now?

Damn my sister for her obsessions.
[Oct 31,2005 5:15pm - litacore ""]
Nellia McKaye should be opening

[Oct 31,2005 6:57pm - succubus ""]
So as I'm entering the t, I can hear teenage girls singing "hollerback girl"....they immediately start talking to me asking if I was going to go to the gwen stefani show...I said I was a photographer and they squealed..they asked me to take pics of them and I did...they were btwn 15 and 17. It was cute, they were so excited. Alas they didn't board the t because they were waiting for another 2 girls...but asked me my name and they were gonna yell it at the show..heh
Dunno if I'll make it in time for the black eyed peas...
[Oct 31,2005 7:58pm - succubus ""]
Ok just shot the black eyed peas....as I was leaving the photo pit they were doing their version of sweet child o mine
[Oct 31,2005 8:45pm - Hooker nli  ""]
Oh my god.
[Oct 31,2005 9:11pm - DreamingInExile ""]
succubus said:Ok just shot the black eyed peas....

hopefully with some large calibur rifle
[Oct 31,2005 9:27pm - succubus ""]
Ok I just left...I knew the 2nd song..the chorus is something like "shut your mouth you stupid ho"...it was catchy....I gotta say gwen is fuckin gorgeous...and so charismatic! I was the only female photographer and if you look at my pics you can see her smiling and posing for me...wow...only thing is that I fucked up my settings right before she came on...there were bubble machines in front of me and I was taking pics of that in the dark...hopefully I can fix the over blown ones...but wow..
[Oct 31,2005 9:31pm - succubus ""]
Oh and I got pics of her posse too...
[Oct 31,2005 9:39pm - litacore ""]
we need more gwens and less courtneys
[Oct 31,2005 9:58pm - diamond_dave ""]
DreamingInExile said:succubus said:Ok just shot the black eyed peas....

hopefully with some large calibur rifle

I LOLed.
[Oct 31,2005 11:36pm - the_reverend ""]
I think gwen sucks and is ugly.
you can't really fix overblown...
[Oct 31,2005 11:41pm - DaveSTF ""]
that's where you're wrong aaron, she is not ugly. and since she got her boob job, even hotter!
[Nov 1,2005 7:14am - succubus ""]
ok so i really was really all weekend long and still went to this show...i got home and felt horrible...

a lot of pics are overblown but i woke up and went through them..got some awesome ones...i will post them tonight@
[Nov 1,2005 7:23am - succubus ""]
wow i can't believe the boob job but yeah her boobs look nice and at least she didn't go crazy..


recent award show:


she had a similar outfit last night
[Nov 1,2005 7:24am - succubus ""]
i'm just surprised she did it
[Nov 1,2005 8:27am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
i think she is fucking ugly and cant sing
[Nov 1,2005 8:42am - RustedAngel ""]
she is ugly, even with 20 gallons of makeup.
[Nov 1,2005 8:46am - MadMac ""]
no she aint! not ugly but not no model. I remember seeing her when I was in JR. High and she wore almost no makeup back in 1990. The guitarist was in a death metal band at that time also or something. nothing beats Jen Garner, after meeting her I have much respect.
[Nov 1,2005 9:23am - soloman ""]
she's not ugly.
[Nov 1,2005 11:07pm - succubus ""]
i like her...
going through my pics..i got a camel toe one too

[Nov 1,2005 11:09pm - brian_dc ""]
I think most of her appeal was when she dressed like a regular human being...

when someone famous is "cute" it's refreshing...then it turns to the glamour garbage that's ruining america
[Nov 1,2005 11:12pm - anonymous  ""]
succubus said:i like her...
going through my pics..i got a camel toe one too

put up the camel toe pic!

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