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The city of Denver has just legalized marijuana

[Nov 3,2005 10:58am - Christraper ""]
WAY better things to worry about.
[Nov 3,2005 11:00am - lincolnius ""]
Way LARGER things to worry about.
[Nov 3,2005 11:28am - anonymous  ""]
What is this world coming to? Whats next? The legalization of crack and heroin
[Nov 3,2005 11:38am - Christraper ""]
pot isnt crack or heroin retard
[Nov 3,2005 12:54pm - Yeti  ""]
yeah man to lump weed in the same category as crack and heroin is retarded. they are eons apart. i know plenty of lazy worthless people who arent and have never been potheads. i also know many people whos lives were practically saved by weed. people who were worked up all the time, stressed out, and then they smoked pot. they were able to relax and look at things in a different light. sure there are lazy ass stoners out there, but that is hardly an argument.
[Nov 3,2005 8:09pm - retzam ""]
anonymous said:99% of the pot smokers I've known are lazy, don't listen, and don't give a shit about anything. Totally unproductive. And, yes, I have also seen some pretty violent pot smokers in my life. That arguement is the stupidest one I've ever heard. I've known some pretty brilliant people with a ton of potential that basically got addicted to pot and it ruined their lives. They quit school, got low-paying part-time jobs and basically lived off of mac-and-cheese, beer, and weed. Sad shit.

I have never met a violent pot-smoker. I've never met anyone who had a ton of potential before getting into pot and then became a complete laze and "ruined their lives". I've been smoking pot for a little over two years. I'm in high school right now, getting Bs and As with the occasional C. Three of my classes are honors classes, and out of the other three, one of them isn't available in honors, so I'm taking 3 out of 5 above average classes. I listen very well, better than I speak lots of times. I have a part time job at Barnes and Noble, I write music (pretty good music in my opinion) in more than one genre, I play guitar quite proficiently, piano/keys pretty good, trumpet OK, and lately I've been dabbling in drums, which considering how infrequently I sit down at them, I guess I'm good. Also, I watch very little TV and play very little video games except when hanging out with friends sometimes, and instead in my alone down time prefer to either read or smoke and listen to music, maybe while doing some homework (I do homework just as good, if not better when stoned, although I do work slower). Some days I am pretty lazy, but not nearly as lazy as the average non-pot smoking highschooler. I'm not making any of the above up. I believe that people like the ones you described exist, but you have to understand that most people, like myself, undergo no change when smoking weed, and all of the burnouts I know (I consider myself one too, since I'm almost always high or burnt out) that get bad grades or have shitty aspects to their personality did/were so before they started smoking. And also (and believe me, in NO way am I trying to tell you how to raise your daughter or anything man, that's all you, I would never tread on that ground), I don't think I really see your point about explaining to your daughter what the funny cigarettes people are walking around smoking are. What would you say if she asked about normal cigarettes? "Oh, well, people smoke them just because they are addicted to them, and their body craves it. They don't taste good, they have no positive effects, and they have hundreds of horrible chemicles in them that lead to lung cancer and other fatal diseases." I think that is far more terrifying than a plant with no additives that makes you laugh and feel happy, and makes food taste amazing and music sound different in a spectactular way, and unites people with feelings of peace and love (haha yeah I know, the 60s are over). Plus, it is not even close to being as harmful as cigarettes. Even if you smoke 20 joints a day, although you'll be getting more tar than 20 cigs a day, you will not be getting any deadly additives, and although there ARE carcinogens in weed, the substances that activate these carcinogens in cigarettes are not present in weed, so as long as your not a cigarette smoker too, than you will almost certainly not get cancer from marijuana. And this is all not even mentioning the multitudes of benefits of harvesting hemp, that is, the vast amount of things that it can be used for.

That said, I believe that the only good point made against weed so far in this thread is RustedAngels comment earlier about money. It is a very very valid point. I do end up spending lots of my part-time pay on weed. Besides that I can't really think of any solid anti-marijuana argument, not to say there is no reason to not want to smoke, because there could be many reasons that a person would make the personal desision to not smoke themselves.
[Nov 3,2005 8:48pm - LtdEc-1000 ""]
^^^ Amen.

Im a senior in highschool. I play Guitar mainly, but i also play the drums, bass, and ive been playing cello since i was 9. Retzam pretty much just wrote out exactly how i feel on the topic.
[Nov 3,2005 10:25pm - retzam ""]
LtdEc-1000 said:^^^ Amen.

Im a senior in highschool. I play Guitar mainly, but i also play the drums, bass, and ive been playing cello since i was 9. Retzam pretty much just wrote out exactly how i feel on the topic.

I had a feeling I wasn't the only one man, hahaha.
[Nov 3,2005 10:26pm - IMADOUCHE  ""]
retzam said:LtdEc-1000 said:^^^ Amen.

Im a senior in highschool. I play Guitar mainly, but i also play the drums, bass, and ive been playing cello since i was 9. Retzam pretty much just wrote out exactly how i feel on the topic.

I had a feeling I wasn't the only one man, hahaha.

[Nov 3,2005 10:26pm - retzam ""]
Gotta love that ridiculous poster. My post is so long that I couldn't possibly expect anyone to read it when it's formatted onto two long lines so as to make constant side-scrolling necessary.
[Nov 3,2005 10:27pm - retzam ""]
You're an anonymous poster.
[Nov 3,2005 10:27pm - IMADOUCHE  ""]

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