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[Nov 4,2005 11:38am - litacore ""]
I'm trying to build up my portfolio so if any bands in the area need graphic design help, please let me know.

[Nov 4,2005 11:59am - KeithMutiny ""]
mark richards is workin on a few for us right now, but if you wanna make up a few as well, that'd be cool, then we can have options.

throwing shrapnel just needs something unique, but more legible for stickers and shirts.
[Nov 4,2005 12:41pm - litacore ""]
mark has the drawing skills, mine are more like layout/scanning/coding/formatting
[Nov 4,2005 12:44pm - KeithMutiny ""]
ahh i see, well when we figure out the labeling and what not for the new cd, ill keep that in mind
[Nov 4,2005 12:49pm - largefreakatzero ""]
How are you with website design? Ours (Life at Zero) could use some serious help.
[Nov 4,2005 1:50pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
ExAgenda has been discussing getting our own domain and a pro-website, if you can show us some work maybe we can 'keep it in the family'.
[Nov 4,2005 2:04pm - litacore ""]
the hekseri one I designed (out of selfishness)
[Nov 4,2005 2:18pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Your site looks good -- worlds better than ours http://www.lifeatzero.com which I have not updated in some time. When we finish up with this shit-show of a full-length and I get some new pix and info, I will contact you if you are interested.
[Nov 4,2005 2:56pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

I need http://www.pathosproductions.com built!

[Nov 4,2005 2:58pm - Beakey ""]
The Pathos Productions website looks pretty sweet to me already!
I recommend you leave it be.
[Nov 4,2005 3:00pm - whoremastery ""]
bahahaha..yeh john..what else do you need. Its all there.
[Nov 4,2005 3:04pm - Beakey ""]
Interactive chat rooms, message board, forum, guestbook, extensive MP3 catalogue, virtual walk-through of the Pathos studio...
This site has got it all!
[Nov 4,2005 3:05pm - whoremastery ""]
dont forget your LA photography
[Nov 4,2005 3:16pm - Beakey ""]
Have you checked out the GAMES section?
There's an awesome Pac Man game up there that has Joe Not Common's head running around corners, eating up hits of acid.
[Nov 4,2005 3:39pm - Earl Jackson  ""]
have you tried http://www.myspace.com/murdersteinbag
[Nov 4,2005 3:44pm - Beakey ""]
Have you tried mixing Percocet and alcohol?
[Nov 4,2005 3:45pm - whoremastery ""]
yep...good times!
[Nov 4,2005 3:47pm - Beakey ""]
The worst mix ever is a benzo with alcohol.
Like Valium, Klonopin, or Xanax.

Ever give that one a shot?
[Nov 4,2005 3:48pm - whoremastery ""]
no...but i threw up sniffing heroin last week...good times!
[Nov 4,2005 3:51pm - Beakey ""]
Shall I take that as you letting me know that you have some heroin left over?
[Nov 4,2005 3:53pm - whoremastery ""]
no...i finished it still..i left u a message on lyrics of yours.
[Nov 4,2005 3:54pm - Beakey ""]
You left me a message on lyrics of mine?
What does that mean?
[Nov 4,2005 3:55pm - whoremastery ""]
that i liked them..good shit(decompose pile of ex-girlfriends) awesome lyrics.
[Nov 4,2005 3:56pm - Beakey ""]
Oh, I see.
Sorry, I get easily confused.
Thanks, dude!
[Nov 4,2005 4:12pm - litacore ""]
whoremastery said:no...but i threw up sniffing heroin last week...good times!

[Nov 4,2005 9:37pm - Aegathis ""]
Hey Larissa, Coffin birth could probably use some of your heavenly, i mean unheavenly assistance.We've been needing to get a web site and all that shit together for some time.

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