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devourment-butcher the weak

[Nov 4,2005 11:51am - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
I just listened to it, and its good but I miss the older vocalist :NEWHORNS:
[Nov 4,2005 12:06pm - smelly hands  ""]
Ruben Rosas is the vocalist and was the vocalist on Molesting The Decapitated as well as the single for Babykiller. He does the vocals in all the new shit to, it must be the recording that makes it sound different.
[Nov 4,2005 12:08pm - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
yeah, its kind of scratchy
[Nov 4,2005 12:08pm - Robdeadskin ""]
i thought wayne or what ever his name was did babykiller
[Nov 4,2005 12:10pm - smelly hands  ""]
Hmm maybe he did, I'd have to check the booklet on the disc, but I know Ruben was the MTD vocalist.
[Nov 4,2005 12:13pm - Robdeadskin ""]
yes he was...but im pretty sure wayne sang babykiller and the old 138 stuff. I could be wrong though..now mike is gonna sing... and ruben just on guitar..what happen to the other two guitarist?
[Nov 4,2005 12:32pm - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
Robdeadskin said:yes he was...but im pretty sure wayne sang babykiller and the old 138 stuff. I could be wrong though..now mike is gonna sing... and ruben just on guitar..what happen to the other two guitarist?

they left
[Nov 4,2005 3:05pm - brokenclown ""]
mike majewski does vocals now
[Nov 4,2005 3:06pm - brokenclown ""]
has the cd been released yet? where did you get it?
[Nov 4,2005 11:59pm - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
brokenclown said:has the cd been released yet? where did you get it?

my friend got a copy of it in the mail, I do not know how...I dont even think they are signed

I cant wait until its released so I can buy it
[Nov 5,2005 1:32am - mOe ""]
i saw this up like a week ago on Myspace and was like WTF, did i miss something?

but its awesome nonetheless
[Nov 5,2005 1:39am - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
mOe said:i saw this up like a week ago on Myspace and was like WTF, did i miss something?

but its awesome nonetheless

yeah, its a really good cd..Babykiller is the last track..I like the 1.3.8 version a bit better
[Mar 27,2006 5:27pm - BornSoVile ""]
what label was this released on? i didn't know it was out until last week. i notice pathos is carrying it..
[Mar 27,2006 5:47pm - Big Jim  ""]
Butcher The Weak was relase at the end of November. Mike Majewski, the former bass player, is now the vocalist. He does all the artwork and used to and still does write all of the lyrics. Ruben Rosas is the original vocalist, he plays guitar now. Wayne Knupt was the vocalist after Ruben and he is on the Baby Killer single that was on 1.3.8. They are not on any label, it is independantly relased by the band. If you want a copy of the CD or any merch, email Mike Majewski.

[Mar 27,2006 8:55pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I got them directly from Mike, we met and hung out at TX Grindfest in 1998.
[Mar 28,2006 11:48am - dwellingsickness ""]
Mike is a cool shit ,He did a few drawings for me ,Back in like '96
[Mar 28,2006 1:25pm - CraigForACurse ""]
oh shit they got wayne knupt back? that guy sucks. ruben rosas is the shit
[Mar 28,2006 3:10pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
No, the line-up now is Mike Majewski on vocals, Ruben Rosas on guitar and vocals and some new guy on drums.

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