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Intro to Doom?

[Nov 4,2005 10:14pm - Grind My Gonads!  ""]
Out of all the sub-genres of metal, DOOM is the one I'm least acquinted with. Coming from someone who loves Dying Fetus/Misery Index, Carcass, Cryptopsy, Morbid Angel.....what bands should I start out listening to?

I've heard parts of the new Ocean cd and love it, but I can't really stomach High on Fire or Soilent Green. I just don't find them memorable/enjoyable. Is there actually "catchy" Doom out there?

[Nov 4,2005 10:15pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
[Nov 4,2005 10:16pm - shrapnel !  ""]
high on fire and soilent green arent doom !

go listen to buried at sea !
[Nov 4,2005 10:21pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
come to grief
[Nov 4,2005 10:38pm - shrapnel !  ""]
he's got you there.....thats pretty much doom !
[Nov 4,2005 10:50pm - DreamingInExile ""]
[Nov 4,2005 10:52pm - DreamingInExile ""]
[Nov 4,2005 10:58pm - SeedBassist ""]
DreamingInExile said:http://www.myspace.com/shroudofbereavement

Good to see that shameless self promotion is running rampant here.

Just kidding, Shroud kicks ass, even though tr00 doom metallers would call them "SloDeath" and not tr00 doom.
[Nov 4,2005 11:00pm - shrapnel !  ""]
actually i'd call them opera - doom !

but they're missing the violins so i wont
[Nov 4,2005 11:01pm - DreamingInExile ""]
shrapnel ! said:actually i'd call them opera - doom !

but they're missing the violins so i wont

give it time...
[Nov 4,2005 11:02pm - shrapnel !  ""]
haha oh man, i'd go for a cello before you thru in the violins.

cellos rules !!!!!!!!!
[Nov 4,2005 11:28pm - DreamingInExile ""]
shrapnel ! said:haha oh man, i'd go for a cello before you thru in the violins.

cellos rules !!!!!!!!!

like I said... give it time ;)
[Nov 4,2005 11:33pm - shrapnel !  ""]
i actually cant wait till the o'breins show, i havent seen shroud since we played with you folks waaaaaaaaaaaaay back in what March i think. that show will be most enjoyable.

ocean, sin of angels, shroud what more could you ask for. Ha Grief and Conifer sorry it had to be said !
[Nov 5,2005 12:12am - Grind My Gonads!  ""]
Just checked out what Conifer audio samples
were available on the net and i MUST add them to my favorites! Thanks for the suggestion.
[Nov 5,2005 1:08am - Ryan_M ""]
thorr's hammer is an excellent death/doom band featuring a 17 year old norwegain girl as their singer; she can growl as good as any man, check them out.....disembowelment is supposed to be an excellent death/doom band as well, though i've never heard them for myself.....burning witch, graves at sea, grief, eyehategod.....place of skulls is a great sabbath-style doom band....if you're interested in doom with more melodic/gothic influence, as mentioned above, our own Shroud of bereavement is definitely worth hearing, My Dying bride is awesome as well, older anathema....paradise lost and cathedral are 2 more doom pioneers but i haven't listened to either of those yet....if you can find a copy(try ebay.com), Upsidedown Cross is very cool also.....just a few suggestions, as i am also sort of new to the doom scene, i've only been into it for a few months; as you can tell i still haven't heard some of the bigger names in doom.....but hey, good luck in your quest for good music!
[Nov 5,2005 1:16am - diamond_dave ""]
electric wizard
sweet cobra
st. vitus
the body
[Nov 5,2005 1:39am - Grind My Gonads!  ""]
Where can I find Grief song samples/mp3s?
[Nov 5,2005 3:54am - dyingmuse ""]
shrapnel ! said:haha oh man, i'd go for a cello before you thru in the violins.

cellos rules !!!!!!!!!

actually man, we have full violin sections and cello parts all over our new album.

i too am excited about the show at o'brians this month

[Nov 5,2005 4:48am - shrapnel !  ""]
saddly i havent heard the new record
[Nov 5,2005 4:58am - shrapnel !  ""]
cult of luna
the hidden hand
early isis
secret order of the tusk
stinking lizaveta

haha im just naming bands off now Ha ! \mm/
[Nov 5,2005 8:14am - DreamingInExile ""]
shrapnel ! said:saddly i havent heard the new record

sadly none of us do yet... it should be out sometime before the turn of the century
[Nov 5,2005 8:22am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
yob, deadbird, uneathly trance
[Nov 5,2005 8:23am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
come to see Grief, Sin of Angels and Hellblock6 Nov 15th @ the middle east....if you dont like them just wait for Exhumed.
[Nov 5,2005 8:38am - diamond_dave ""]
[Nov 5,2005 10:03am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Why not start with the basic bands and then work your way forward...

Black Sabbath (early albums)
Saint Vitus
Paradise Lost
My Dying Bride
Electric Wizard
Neurosis (as your intro to that whole Isis/Cult of Luna scene)

I don't really think a lot of bands people listed here qualify as 'doom'. Some of 'em, but not a lot.
[Nov 5,2005 4:38pm - Grind My Gonads!  ""]
Is it pretty hard to distinguish between some Stoner Rock and Doom bands?
[Nov 5,2005 5:07pm - anonymous  ""]
Ryan_M said:thorr's hammer is an excellent death/doom band featuring a 17 year old norwegain girl as their singer; she can growl as good as any man, check them out.....disembowelment is supposed to be an excellent death/doom band as well, though i've never heard them for myself.....burning witch, graves at sea, grief, eyehategod.....place of skulls is a great sabbath-style doom band....if you're interested in doom with more melodic/gothic influence, as mentioned above, our own Shroud of bereavement is definitely worth hearing, My Dying bride is awesome as well, older anathema....paradise lost and cathedral are 2 more doom pioneers but i haven't listened to either of those yet....if you can find a copy(try ebay.com), Upsidedown Cross is very cool also.....just a few suggestions, as i am also sort of new to the doom scene, i've only been into it for a few months; as you can tell i still haven't heard some of the bigger names in doom.....but hey, good luck in your quest for good music!

eheh for some reason theres only three doom bands im into and there all local....ocean...conifer....and shroud.....i tend to listen to shroud alot more than the others but thats because i have stuff on disc form them and i listned to it like every damn night before i went to bed when i got it plus kellys voice makes me happy
[Nov 5,2005 5:08pm - babyshakedoesnt feel like loggin in  ""]
^^^ me
[Nov 5,2005 5:09pm - brian_dc ""]
not related at all...but I was at Northeastern University today and some dude giving a tour showed my friend a part of the campus where all of the architecture was modeled after the game "DOOM"

[Nov 5,2005 6:01pm - dreadkill ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:Why not start with the basic bands and then work your way forward...

Black Sabbath (early albums)
Saint Vitus
Paradise Lost
My Dying Bride
Electric Wizard
Neurosis (as your intro to that whole Isis/Cult of Luna scene)

I don't really think a lot of bands people listed here qualify as 'doom'. Some of 'em, but not a lot.

best post in this thread. i can't believe it took that long for someone to mention mdb
[Nov 5,2005 6:01pm - dreadkill ""]
while you're at it, check out old katatonia (brave murder day), and daylight dies.
[Nov 5,2005 6:02pm - dreadkill ""]
[Nov 5,2005 10:21pm - Grind My Gonads!  ""]
Thanks for all the help guys. I went down to my local record store; they usually have a varied selection, as they are an independently owned operation. Anyways, they didn't have a single copy of Cathedral or My Dying Bride. [img] I was able to pick up Electric Wizard's "We Live" and I have to say it's pretty decent so far. [img]
[Nov 6,2005 2:15am - shrapnel !  ""]
dreadkill said:i can't believe it took that long for someone to mention mdb

actually if you read all the entries someone mentioned them while talking about shroud.
[Nov 6,2005 2:17am - shrapnel !  ""]
Grind My Gonads! said: I was able to pick up Electric WizardQUOTE]

pick up dopethrone and dopesmoker !

[Nov 6,2005 3:03am - dyingmuse ""]
shape of despair
keen of the krow
swallow the sun
theatre of tragedy
mourning beloveth
the third and the mortal
oficium trisre
the phrophecy
[Nov 6,2005 3:30am - shrapnel !  ""]
oooooooooooh yeah twilight and thrones are good to check out too !
[Nov 6,2005 3:32am - dwellingsickness ""]
Hey sean, isn't it past your bed time?
[Nov 6,2005 4:31am - shrapnel !  ""]
dwellingsickness said:Hey sean, isn't it past your bed time?

i never sleep and aren't i older then you !
[Nov 6,2005 10:06am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
the phrophecy
is this pronounced frofesee?
[Nov 6,2005 1:01pm - anonymous  ""]
[Nov 6,2005 1:22pm - wade ""]
church of misery? boris?
[Nov 6,2005 2:04pm - MASlayer  ""]
Paradise Lost
My Dying Bride
November's Doom
[Nov 8,2005 12:50am - Grind My Gonads!  ""]
I have to say my favorite track from We Live is "Another Perfect Day?". Anyone else love that song?
[Nov 8,2005 2:16am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Grind My Gonads! said:I have to say my favorite track from We Live is "Another Perfect Day?". Anyone else love that song?

thats a cool record, yes....but i still say go get dopethrone or dopesmoker
[Nov 8,2005 10:48am - Yeti  ""]
Tumulus Seraphim
Suicide Dream
[Nov 8,2005 2:50pm - anonymous  ""]
thats a cool record, yes....but i still say go get dopethrone or dopesmoker

Allllll in due time. Hopefully my local Newbury Comics will have other E.W. cd's along with many other doom bands that you've all selected. If not, it's time to order off the net.
[Nov 11,2005 4:10pm - anon  ""]
I was able to find Dopethrone, I hope it lives up to all the "hype". :doublehorns:
[Nov 11,2005 4:11pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
if you liked we live, then i wouldnt be able to understand how you wouldnt fall in love with the bass and drone of dopethrone !!!
[Nov 11,2005 4:37pm - anon  ""]
fucking awesome
[Nov 11,2005 4:42pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
now go see either weedeater and jumbo's killcrane or earth and tides on nov 21st and be well !

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