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Attention: Ryan from HBBSI

[Nov 8,2005 10:53am - Beakey ""]
Log in, goddammit!
You're starting to scare away the women.
[Nov 8,2005 12:59pm - ryanfromhbbsi still isnt fucking logged in  ""]
and logging in would change what?
[Nov 8,2005 1:01pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
we could see your post history

we could see a profile

we could fine threads you have been in without having to guesstimate what page they are on or a good search string
[Nov 8,2005 1:08pm - ryanfromhbbsi still isnt fucking logged in  ""]
but will i still scare away the ladies? probably
[Nov 8,2005 1:11pm - Beakey ""]
Great, Ryan, just great!
Now all the ladies are gone.


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