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N.H. Clerk Caught Sleeping With Marijuana

[Nov 11,2005 8:19am - succubus ""]
Police say a 19-year-old convenience store clerk fell asleep on two jobs this week: minding the store and selling drugs.

Sammer Gandhi of Nashua was charged with possession of marijuana with intent to distribute after two Merrimack police officers found him sleeping in the store's office with a quarter-pound of marijuana.

It happened late Monday at a 7-Eleven store after a customer called police to report no one was in the store.

Police searched the building and say that they found Gandhi sleeping in a back office, with a big bag of pot, a scale and a smaller bag of pot. They say he was packaging the marijuana for resale.

[Nov 11,2005 8:20am - Beakey ""]
Too bad it only took one 7-Eleven clerk to ruin the Gandhi name for good.
[Nov 11,2005 9:13am - the_reverend ""]
that's funny... when I read that article yeasterday, I thought it was a clerk from at a police station that was caught.
[Nov 11,2005 9:14am - succubus ""]
i posted it for you aaron
"go NH!"
[Nov 11,2005 9:15am - Beakey ""]
I think that, after years and years of police officers loitering around in 7-Elevens, drinking free coffee and scratching lottery tickets, the two jobs kind of melded into one.
[Nov 11,2005 10:52am - largefreakatzero ""]
"Thank you, come again!"

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