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wizard of OZ..yay or nay

[Nov 12,2005 7:52pm - succubus ""]
i gotta say

I HATE THIS MOVIE and refuse to watch it

gave me nightmares as a kid and only seeing the commercial even now i'll get nightmares

how can kids like this?

i can watch any horror flick, no issues...but this movie
forget about it

anyone with me?
[Nov 12,2005 7:56pm - nate ""]
When I was about 5 the flying monkeys freaked me out a bit. Regardless though, the movie is on the best classics out there for it's imaginative story. A house my wife grew up in was built in 1830 and when they remodeled part of it there was a 1st print edition of the book in one of the walls.
[Nov 12,2005 7:58pm - todayistheday  ""]
[Nov 12,2005 8:22pm - anonymous  ""]
I had nightmares of the witch choking me to death, and so I never watched it since.
[Nov 12,2005 8:51pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
todayistheday said:classic

[Nov 12,2005 8:56pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Read it. Don't watch it.
[Nov 12,2005 8:59pm - succubus ""]
i got the book as a gift when i was a kid

this is about the movie
[Nov 12,2005 8:59pm - succubus ""]
i can't believe most of you like it
[Nov 12,2005 9:37pm - Aegathis ""]
cant sayy i like it, but when i was little the talking trees scared the SHIT out of me. I had to look the other way.
[Nov 12,2005 9:44pm - the_rooster ""]
movie does suck.
[Nov 12,2005 9:48pm - Ryan_M ""]
i liked it when i was little. i thought dorothy was hot. i was never scared of anything in that movie, yet some of the monsters on sesame street freaked me out a bit. i've never read the book, maybe i should check it out.
[Nov 13,2005 12:54am - succubus ""]
witches, monkeys and trees
fuckin creepy

and i used to watch horror flicks as a kid...nothing as bad as WOZ
[Nov 13,2005 12:59am - Chris_From_Shit_Fuck ""]
I don't love it, but I enjoy it. Just never was my cup of tea, but it's a fun movie to watch every so often.
[Nov 13,2005 1:08am - bestial onsluts  ""]
if you like old hollywood YOU'RE GAY
[Nov 13,2005 1:43am - TroLL_  ""]
I like the myth of the "hanging body" in the forest which really is a (rented) bird. :stupidflanders:
[Nov 13,2005 8:40am - succubus ""]
i guess i expected more people to not like it
[Nov 13,2005 10:41am - lincolnius ""]
Watch it .....you all know what I'm gonna say......while listening to Dark Side Of The Moon.
[Nov 13,2005 10:48am - Ryan_M ""]
the dark side of the moon? hey! did you know that if you play that album and watch the wizard of oz....what?....oh you do know. well never mind then.

[Nov 13,2005 10:58am - the_reverend ""]
yay! this isn't a poll...
I thought it would be.
[Nov 13,2005 11:02am - succubus ""]
yes aaron likes it but he loves me so whenever it's on we never watch it
[Nov 13,2005 11:53am - Al_Ravage ""]
that movie is awesome

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