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Whats going on with Slayer?

[Nov 13,2005 3:55pm - anonymous  ""]
Are they still touring? WHy havnt they released a new album yet? Its been a lil over 4 years since GHUA.What the fuck!!!
[Nov 13,2005 4:07pm - wade ""]
record was supposedly going to be done and ready to go by the summer of 2005. last i knew anyway. they told me in interviews how psyched they were, well Kerry and Jeff, to demo new stuff going into '05 and that they already had a bunch of ideas...
[Nov 13,2005 4:08pm - brian_dc ""]
I hope they decide to make a good record...that'd be sweet
[Nov 13,2005 4:11pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
they put off on the record cause american was switching distros or something of the sort and slayer was gonna wait for the deal to be done before putting anything out. dave lombrado is supposed to be playing drums on it, so it should be good
[Nov 13,2005 4:12pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
oh yeah but thats what i heard the year they were playing ozzfest, i dont know why its still not out
[Nov 13,2005 4:16pm - wade ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:oh yeah but thats what i heard the year they were playing ozzfest, i dont know why its still not out

yeah the thinking was that was going to be cleared up soon, going back to interviews conducted in late 2003.

and lombardo was definitely slated to do the new record. can't wait. hope they don't try to overdo it.
[Nov 13,2005 8:34pm - anonymous  ""]
Just because Lombardo is gonna play on the new album dont mean its gonna be good.I like Paul Bostaph over Dave anyday
[Nov 13,2005 8:57pm - wade ""]
anonymous said:Just because Lombardo is gonna play on the new album dont mean its gonna be good.I like Paul Bostaph over Dave anyday

haha. WOW. i agree with your first statement and nobody's certain if that will do anything but when i think slayer, i think lombardo and for good reason.
[Nov 14,2005 12:12am - rupturedzine ""]
I wish I was confident that the new Slayer will be good. I'm not though, sadly.
[Nov 14,2005 6:49am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
here's the best point about the Lombrado/Bostaph thing straight from Dave's mouth. i asked him how hard/easy, bad/good the drumming was for him to pick it up.

dave's response "it's like a really well made demo for me to write my own stuff over."
[Nov 14,2005 7:19am - the_reverend ""]
I heard they were magicians
[Nov 14,2005 8:47am - anonymous  ""]
You heard the new Exodus album or Divine Intervention? Tell me the drumming on those 2 albums aint killer.And who played on DI? It wasnt Lombardo
[Nov 14,2005 8:55am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
not knocking Paul, i just happen to like the earlier material better and thought it was funny when Dave said the thing about the albums being like well made demos.

i mean if either one came knocking at my door i wouldnt say oh it's you fuck off
[Nov 14,2005 10:26am - scoracrasia ""]
I have been waiting for them to tour again. My son really wants to see them. Damn, I am getting old.
[Nov 14,2005 11:06am - Hooker nli  ""]

I'm guessing Tom is dropping his kids off at gymboree. Attending mass every Sunday.

Jeff is probably at home doing model airplanes and punching strippers in the neck while masturbating. I dunno. He just seems like a weird dude.

Kerry is most likely watching Monday Night Raw. Being allergic to writing good solos. Listening to Chimara or Slipknot. Playing grabass with bikers or something.

Dave is probably scouring the universe for more energon cubes, since he's a robot.
[Nov 14,2005 11:10am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Hooker nli said:
Dave is probably scouring the universe for more energon cubes, since he's a robot.

That's why he had to quit after Seasons, the band couldn't support his crippling energon addiction anymore.
[Nov 14,2005 11:11am - Hooker nli  ""]
I bear malice to no living thing. I do what I must to survive.

[Nov 14,2005 11:11am - brian_dc ""]
Hooker nli said:Kerry...Being allergic to writing good solos.

for that alone, best reply ever
[Nov 14,2005 1:19pm - anonymous  ""]
If Slayer dont release a new album by the end of 2006,Id say that their all done.Its not like their getting any younger.Plus Tom's voice aint what it used to be.Most bands put out albums every 2-3 years.SLayer havnt had one out in 4.That dont make things look to good.Its a year this month since the last time Ive seen them live.
[Nov 14,2005 11:18pm - bestial onsluts  ""]
slayer hasen't had a good album since 1990

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