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No more $1.99 411 charges -- just use Google text messaging for FREE!

[Nov 14,2005 10:43pm - succubus ""]
For those of you who have a cell phone you won't believe this....

Google has launched a 411 text messaging service for FREE. (You will be charged for every sent/received text message if you do not have a text messaging plan on your cell phone.)

If you need to get any phone number or address just type a text message of the name and the city in your cell phone and send it to GOOGL (46645). Within seconds you'll have a text message sent back to you with their address and phone number.

Need Directions? For example, text Directions From 90210 to 90201 and send it to GOOGL (46645). In seconds get the directions you need to that specific zip code. You can use specific addresses for more accurate directions.

Need the Weather? For example, Just type Weather Dallas Texas and send it to GOOGL (46645) and you'll have it in seconds.

Enjoy these Great Perks!

*Get local business listings when you're on the road and want to find a place to eat.
*Obtain driving directions to get from point A to point B without having to ask for directions.
*Find movie showtimes and theater locations of movies currently playing near you.
*Check weather conditions and 4-day forecasts to plan your day.
*Study the latest stock quotes and stay on top of the market.
*Get quick answers to straightforward questions.
*Compare online product prices with ones you find in retail stores.
*Look up dictionary definitions to expand your vocabulary or prove a point.

This beats paying those high 411 charges of $1.99 + on your cell phones when you don't have a phone book or internet to easily look up information while on the road. AND you can get so much more information than you can from any regular 411 call.

For more information please visit Googles link below


*make sure you are as specific as you can with the text you send because the more general you are the more text messages you'll receive and the more you'll be charged or will be used up. Also, if you don't have a text messaging plan you are charged for each message sent or received. Check your cell phone plan to determine what kind of text messaging plan you have.

[Nov 14,2005 10:44pm - Bradness ""]
[Nov 14,2005 10:44pm - the_reverend ""]
[Nov 14,2005 10:50pm - succubus ""]
my sidekick is cool because of the net access and emailing directions to my phone or just going to mapquest.

but the 411 feature is a lot faster than going to yahoo yellow pages, entering city and state, etc.
[Nov 14,2005 10:58pm - dwellingsickness ""]
Invalid destination number is what I got when I tried that
[Nov 15,2005 3:32pm - succubus ""]
Similar to 411 directory assistance, but this one is for FREE.


This is what they say on their website:
Did you know that consumers pay an average of $1.25 each time they dial 411? Sometimes, the per-call price is as high as $3.49! With 1-800-FREE411, you can stop wasting your money when it could be FREE.

When you call 1-800-FREE411, you’ll discover top-rated local businesses, hear exclusive special offers, and get connected to businesses free of charge – all at the push of a button.
BUT you have to listen to a 10 second ad before getting your number..anyhow, just putting it out there
[Nov 15,2005 3:43pm - DreamingInExile ""]
nice, that's pretty bad assed
[Nov 18,2005 12:12pm - analymous  ""]
anyone else try it?

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