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wanna try this? for me or you

[Nov 16,2005 7:34pm - succubus ""]
i'm trying to get a coupon...when you sign up to receive emails from them
perfume.com they email you a coupon code for 1 time use only


you get emailed a coupon from $5 to $100

i did it and got $5 off... i wanted a larger discount...if anyone feels like signing up (it's only once per IP) then feel free to post your coupon code if you won't use it

i also don't have email yet so i'm posting this because aaron's gonna try for me...figured if anyone else feels like trying...feel free to post the coupon code

finally if you want to use it for yourself...well go ahead:bow:
[Nov 16,2005 8:47pm - succubus ""]
aaron, please try it from the diff ip there since yer at the station..i already did it at home
[Nov 16,2005 8:54pm - ram_girl ""]
always trying to get us to get you free stuff, eh?
[Nov 16,2005 10:36pm - succubus ""]
umm yeah ok there
[Nov 16,2005 10:59pm - my_pretentious_erection ""]
they don't have anything by Commes des Garcons and only a small selection of Claiborne men, so they suck.
[Nov 16,2005 11:09pm - succubus ""]
i want casmir (chopard) and aqua di gio
but here


I CAN sEND YOU 20% OFF CODE if you want
[Nov 16,2005 11:21pm - my_pretentious_erection ""]
yeah i've been to sephora before... i've been thinking of getting a bottle of 53, but i'm looking more for some of the older Commes Des Garcons lines, especially the Series 6: Synthetic stuff... i've got the samplers from that and i LOVE all of them especially soda and drycleaning and garage... but they're going for over 60 dollars a bottle on ebay.
[Nov 16,2005 11:23pm - my_pretentious_erection ""]
or they WERE going for that much a few months ago and now i can't find them :(

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